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Compiled by
                                              Tips                                       Jere Minich

                                                                                  APCUG Advisor Region 5 (AL, FL, GA, SC)

         CHROME 91 INTRODUCES NEW PROTEC-                       Outlook is your preferred email app on iPh-
         TIONS AGAINST DOWNLOADING MALI-                        one, iPad, or Android, you’ll appreciate the
         CIOUS EXTENSIONS AND FILES – To continue               flexibility and options. Let’s walk through it all
         its war on bad extensions, Google is putting a         so that you can stop reading your emails after
         few new precautions in place as a part of its          a long, hectic day and listen to them instead.
         Enhanced Safe Browsing initiative to ensure           
         that users who visit the Chrome Web Store
         are only getting extensions that benefit them          How to Have Your Emails Read Aloud in Out-
         and respect their privacy. Beginning with
         Chrome 91, a new prompt will appear before             look on iPhone, iPad, and Android
         installing an item that will alert the user re-
         garding permissions and data it seeks to use,
         and whether or not it’s considered trustwor-           SLOW VPN? HERE’S HOW TO MAKE IT FAST-
         thy. Read or listen to this article at                 ER – Virtual private networks are great tools,
                                                                but they all have one problem: They slow
                                                                down your connection. If you’re suffering from
         Chrome 91 introduces new protections                   agonizingly slow speeds while connected to
         against downloading malicious extensions               your VPN, here are a few things you can do to
         and files (                          fix the problem.

         PHOTOS AS TIME RUNS OUT ON UNLIM-                      How-to Geek has the info here. https://
         ITED STORAGE – Google has been gearing up
         to implement its strict storage limits on all
         photos uploaded to the service. The change             HOW TO CHECK THE POLLEN COUNT IN
         was first announced about six months ago.              YOUR AREA – If you’re one of the millions of
         Under the new rules, any photos you upload             people who suffer from seasonal allergies,
         after May 31, 2021, will count towards your            you know the impact high pollen levels can
         15GB monthly limit. Once that runs out, you’ll         have. Using your smartphone, tablet, or com-
         have to pay for extra storage through a                puter, you can monitor the pollen count in
         Google One subscription. Here are the details          your area and be better prepared. There are a
         on Google Photos                                       number of ways to monitor pollen levels.

         Kim Komando has the information                        How-to Geek has the info here. https://

         IN OUTLOOK ON iPHONE, iPAD, AND AN-                    BLESHOOT AND FIX THEM – Most issues that
         DROID – Sit back, rest your eyes, and listen to        you will encounter while trying to download a
         your emails instead of reading them. With              file have simple solutions. Whether you’re us-
         Play My Emails in Microsoft Outlook on iPh-            ing a computer, a smartphone, or a games
         one, iPad, and Android, Cortana is happy to            console, here are nine things to try the next
         read your messages aloud to you.                       time you have an issue. Performing a full re-
                                                                start can often free up some space as the sys-
                                                                tem deletes temporary files and performs
         You can use the Play My Emails feature for             housekeeping in the background. Otherwise,
         multiple accounts, customize the emails that           learn how to create free space on Windows,
         you hear, act on a message, and more. So if                                                 (Continued on page 12)

         July/August 2021                                    11
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