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macOS, Android, or an iPhone. Read more at needing a virtual machine, but you can use it
for anything you need.
Download Problems? 9 Ways to Trouble-
shoot and Fix Them ( How to install Linux GUI apps on Windows 10 •
you regularly work on Microsoft PowerPoint, What the advantage of using solid
you should consider enabling AutoSave for
your presentations. Here’s how you can di- -state drive in your computer?
rectly save PowerPoint presentations to
OneDrive if you have a Microsoft 365 sub-
How-to Geek has the steps and screenshots
The type of storage your computer uses matters for
4 WAYS TO TURN OFF WINDOWS 10 UP- several reasons. Hard disk drives (HDD) and sol-
DATES – Windows 10 updates keep your idstate drives (SSDs) are the two main storage op-
computer bug-free and protected from the tions to consider. The HDD is a data storage device
latest security risks. Unfortunately, the up- that has spinning disks inside where data is stored
date process itself can sometimes bring your
system to a screeching halt. There’s nothing magnetically.
as annoying as when an automatic Windows The HDD has an arm with several read/
update consumes all of your system CPU or write heads". It is similar to how a record
memory. There are several ways you can player works. The record is like the hard
turn off Windows 10 updates. disk and the needle arm is like the arm
that moves across the surface of the disk
Groovy Post has the steps and screenshots to access pieces of data. SSDs have no
here. moving parts. In an SSD, all data is stored
in integrated circuits. This difference creates many
WINDOWS 10 – On Windows 10, you can
now install Linux GUI apps (almost natively) SSDs. Since there is no spinning disk, the
through Windows Subsystem for Linux SSD is made in various form factors and
(WSL), and these instructions will show you can be smaller than the HDD. Moreover,
how. with no moving mechanical parts, they
can be dramatically faster and more rug-
Although you have been able to run Linux ged. They require less power, generate
apps on Windows 10 via WSL for a long time, less heat and have greater reliability.
the system was limited to command-line These factors can lead to improved battery life in a
tools and applications. However, starting laptop.
with build 21364 and higher releases and
through an update to the WSL integration, As you might expect, SSDs are quieter too. Without
Microsoft is finally bringing GUI (graphical all those moving parts, SSDs are not affected by vi-
user interface) support to run your favorite bration or related thermal issues. When it comes to
Linux applications with the mouse and key- cost, the HDD has a slight advantage. However, the
board. gap is closing as SSD prices begin to drop. A word of
caution here. Both of these drives are available in a
The new feature is meant to develop and number of sizes and price levels. For example, WD
test your applications on Linux without (Continued on page 16)
July/August 2021 12