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                                                                                          By Dorothy Fitch

                Those Pesky Car Warranty Calls

                                   By Kurt Jefferson, Editor, Central Kentucky Computer Society

         Nearly every other day, I receive an obnoxious voice   Now, NPR has dissected the calls and given us an inside
         mail: Your car warranty has expired. This is the final call.   look at what's really going on.
         If you don't respond now, you will get no extended

         warranty coverage.
                                                                It turns out if you pay for this service, it covers very little,
                                                                according to NPR's Planet Money. If you paid a monthly
                                                                fee, the company claimed to cover your car bumper to
         Those calls go to my iPhone's voice mail without bother-
         ing me because the robocall slayer software known as   bumper. But it turns out the warranty was worth about as
         Nomorobo recognizes this is snake oil and keeps my     much as the paper it was written on. Furthermore, this
         phone from ringing.                                    was all promoted in a very deceptive way, says the NPR
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 3)

         Cyber Awareness Bulletin                                                            1                                                                   October 2021
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