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catastrophe for you.
                                                               Things you don't need to worry about:

         Let's settle it this way:
                                                               • That I won't be able to receive your funds transfer.
         You transfer $950 USD to me (in bitcoin equivalent
         according to the exchange rate at the moment of       • Don't worry, I will see it right away, once you com-
         funds transfer), and once the transfer is received, I   plete the transfer, since I continuously track all your
         will delete all this dirty stuff right away.          activities (my trojan virus has got a remote-control
                                                               feature, something like TeamViewer).
         After that we will forget about each other. I also
         promise to deactivate and delete all the harmful      • That I will share your videos anyway after you com-
         software from your devices. Trust me, I keep my       plete the funds transfer.

                                                               • Trust me, I have no point to continue creating trou-
         This is a fair deal and the price is quite low, consid-  bles in your life. If I really wanted that, I would do it
         ering that I have been checking out your profile and   long time ago!
         traffic for some time by now.

                                                               Everything will be done in a fair manner!
         In case, if you don't know how to purchase and
         transfer the bitcoins - you can use any modern
         search engine.                                        One more thing... Don't get caught in similar kind of

                                                               situations anymore in future!
         Here is my bitcoin wallet: (Bitcoin wallet deleted)
                                                               My advice - keep changing all your passwords on a
                                                               frequent basis
         You have less than 48 hours from the moment you
         opened this email (precisely 2 days).

                                                               So there you have it. Obviously, I’m not about to pay
         Things you need to avoid from doing:                  a ransom. And my files have not been locked.

         *Do not reply me (I have created this email inside    Hucksters are sending out these emails worldwide,
         your inbox and generated the return address).         hoping someone will be terrified and meet their de-
                                                               mands. It makes the Nigerian email scams and pleas
                                                               for help via email (please send money now – John or
         *Do not try to contact police and other security ser-  Mary has been hurt while visiting London or Paris or
         vices. In addition, forget about telling this to you   Sydney or Madrid or…) seem rather tame, doesn’t it?
         friends. If I discover that (as you can see, it is really
         not so hard, considering that I control all your sys-
         tems) - your video will be shared to public right

         *Don’t try to find me – it is absolutely pointless. All
         the cryptocurrency transactions are anonymous.

         *Don't try to reinstall the OS on your devices or
         throw them away. It is pointless as well, since all
         the videos have already been saved at remote

         Cyber Awareness Bulletin                                                            6                                                                   October 2021
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