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many have taken a position in the stocks they are     buy and hold strategy, not trading, is the path to real
         now pumping, not unlike the Motley Fools, with        wealth accumulation. They deride ALL short-term
         hopes of profitable dumping.                          trading dogmatically but make tons of picks, some
                                                               work, others totally fail. Also, they advise not to both-
         Upsells                                               er trying to time the market; just spend time in the
                                                               market holding your winners and trimming losers. So
         If you are not satisfied with the advice provided ac-  there – in this paragraph, I've reflected virtually all of
         cording to your original subscription, the Motley     the sound advice you are likely to glean from the Mot-
         Fools will offer you "better" subscriptions, such as:   ley Fool website – and it was FREE!
                                                               Can they do 5X better than the market?

                                                               It is inconceivable that The Motley Fool could beat
                                                               the S&P 500 by over 500%, as they claim in their cur-
                                                               rent advertising. Most professional money managers
                                                               and advisors have difficulty equaling the performance
                                                               of the market averages. Those who are considered
                                                               investment geniuses, such as Peter Lynch and War-
                                                               ren Buffett, could beat the market by a few percent-
                                                               age points a year. Anyone able to beat the market
         A Foolish Website                                     averages by 500% would be able to amass great
                                                               wealth investing and would not have to sell a tout ser-
         I am not new to the stock market; I focused on secu-  vice.
         rity analysis in college and have been doing my own
         research for over 50 years. Almost everything I have
         seen from the Motley Fools is absolute garbage. I     Even the free offers are less than worthless
                                      highly recommend not
                                      using their website for   Almost every day, I see Motley Fool teaser articles on
                                      any information except   sites such as Yahoo Finance, and often the headline
                                      maybe for the enter-     is misleading. The article provides just a superficial
                                      tainment value of how    discussion of a stock. Usually, the article ends stating
                                      foolish it is. Often     the stock discussed is OK (or bad), but the Motley
                                      there are contradicting   Fools knows ten stocks that are better, which they
                                      opinions on the same     will provide to you if you just furnish your email ad-
                                      stock on the same        dress. I have done this several times (providing my
                                      day!                     "junk" email address) and have never received the
                                                               information the Motley Fools promised. Instead, they
                                      There is way too much    bombard my mail account with worthless spam. I sus-
                                      advertising on the       pect they also sold my email address since I also
         Motley Fools subscription website. This site is with-  started receiving spam from unknown companies.
         out transparency and, therefore, of questionable
         value for investors. Suppose you want to be suc-      The sports betting scam
         cessful, and actually be one of the rare investors
         who make money relying on the advice of others. In    When I worked as a Special Agent in a former life, I
         that case, you need to receive information from peo-  was involved in investigating an off-shore sports bet-
         ple whose own investing/trading results you can       ting site. The owners of this site quickly discovered
         clearly see. There are several dozen articles every   they could make
         day, and I believe no one could construct a good      more money sell-
         trading strategy based on the hundreds of stocks      ing gambling ad-
         they say are "ready to explode."                      vice, also known
                                                               as tout services,
         The Motley Fool's subscription website is a mess of   than from the bets
         marketing. Most of the articles provide virtually no   themselves. The
         actionable information, except pitches for more ex-   profit on sports
         pensive Motley Fool newsletters. Occasionally there   bets was about 5
         is a well-written article that contains decent infor-  percent – (10% of
         mation, but this is rare.                             losing bets), similar to on-shore bookies and casino
         To be fair, I do agree with their philosophy that a                                        (Continued on page 10)

         Cyber Awareness Bulletin                                                            9                                                                   October 2021
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