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November 2021                                                         Volume 38 Issue 08

         Home Automation Today – Not quite like X-10

         By Phil Sorrentino, Newsletter Contributor, Sarasota Technology Users Group

         philsorr (at)

         Home Automation refers to automating the control of certain house activities, like lighting, temperature, en-
         tertainment, and even appliances. A Home Automation system typically connects the controlled devices to a
         central hub. The system is then controlled from a wall-mounted terminal, a desktop computer, or a mobile
         device like a
         smartphone. The addi-
         tion of a home automa-
         tion system to a home
         creates a “smart
         home.”  Modern smart
         homes are beginning to
         take advantage of Wi-
         Fi to connect the vari-
         ous parts of the home                                                            By Dorothy Fitch
         automation system.

         Wi-Fi is becoming an
         essential part of the
         modern home. Where-
         as the basic utilities are
         necessary to sustain
         your modern life, Wi-Fi
         is necessary to sustain
         your modern digital life.
         Maybe not as important as water or electricity, but Wi-Fi provides the basic wireless interconnection capabil-
         ity for all the devices that, working together, support your modern lifestyle and make up the “smart home.”
         Before wireless, devices could only be connected by wires. Many techniques and devices were developed to
         use the internal house wiring for this interconnection. Some systems used the telephone wires like HomeP-
         NA, and some systems used power wires, like X-10. There even were some early attempts at wireless sys-

                                                                                                    (Continued on page 5)

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