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Hybrid                                                        2020 – 2021


                                                                                       Dues Suspension
                         October 9, 2021

          Membership Chairperson Report                         Because of our COVID-19 pandemic, we were una-
                                                                ble to host our traditional LCACE summer picnic in
          Members                                               July.  The manager at our State Bank of the Lakes

          Meeting Attendees: 34                                 has informed us that their meeting room will not be
                                                                available for our planned 2020 Holiday Party.  As a
          THANKS FOR JOINING                                    result, we will not be incurring expenses this fiscal

          None                                                  year for these two major events.  Given that we cur-
                                                                rently have a reasonable balance in our treasury and
          THANKS FOR RENEWING                                   realizing that this pandemic may have created a fi-

          Richard Garling                                       nancial hardship for some of our members, your
                                                                Board of Directors has voted to suspend dues pay-
          THANKS FOR VISITING                                   ment for this fiscal year.
          Thomas McAndews
                                                                For those who have already paid their 2020 – 2021
          Stephane Brent                                        dues, thank you!  Your payment will be applied to

                                                                2021 – 2022 dues.  For those who have not paid, we
                                                                will look forward to your dues payment for next
                                                                year in April 2021.
                      Must Watch Video

                             Click image

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