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tion. But, on the downside, a Wi-Fi network connect-
ed to the internet can possibly be vulnerable to hack-
tems like Z-Wave and Zig Bee. X-10, setting its ing. (Personally, I’m not ready to turn over the lock-
roots back in 1975, is probably the oldest system ing of the house to a lock that could possibly be
and probably had the largest market share in the hacked, but I know a few people who have installed
past. And although it was very inexpensive, it was these locks, and they are very happy.) So, extreme
deficient in many areas, especially in the data rate security should be used with any of these systems.
that it could support. X-10 could support only up to Make sure you definitely use WPA2 when you set up
200 bits per second, whereas Wi-Fi supports hun- your Wi-Fi router and use a very strong password for
dreds of megabits per second. The data rate deter- router access (I know strong passwords are difficult
mines the type of data that can be transmitted. Vid- to memorize, but the enhanced security will be worth
eo data could never be transmitted on an X-10 con- it).
trol network. The Wi-Fi router is the device that provides the wire-
The X-10 system and its devices use the less connection between the internet and the myriad
120-volt wiring in the house to carry control signals of devices that are used in the home, such as a lap-
from place to place, wherever the wiring was acces- top computer, tablet, smartphone, smart TV, and
sible. The wiring is accessible in switch boxes and possibly appliances like a refrigerator or washing
outlet boxes, so most X-10 devices replaced either machine. (We’re starting to see the Internet of
a switch or a receptacle. Using these devices, you Things (IoT) appear right before our eyes. Wikipedia
could control lights from the X-10 switches or auto- says, “IoT is the network of physical devices, vehi-
matically from a timer also connected to the wiring. cles, home applications, and other items embedded
The interface to the wiring system was relatively with electronics, software, and sensors which enable
inexpensive and straightforward, so the X-10 devic- these objects to connect and exchange data.” It is
es were pretty affordable. Switches were in the $10 how all of our devices and appliances will be net-
to $20 range, and controllers were around $50. As worked together to provide us with control over many
the X-10 system evolved, there was an interface to aspects of our homes.
a computer, so all the devices could be controlled And, now there are new ways of controlling a
from the computer. There was even a form of wire- Home Automation system. These new control sys-
less connection provided by an RF multi-channel tems are called Intelligent Assistants and take the
transmitter/receiver. These forms of home automa- form of Amazon’s Echo (Alexa), Google’s Home (OK
tion are still available, but Wi-Fi seems to be the Google), and Microsoft’s Cortana (Hey Cortana), all
direction home automation is taking.
of which connect the home automation devices to-
Home automation systems that used to use gether and to the internet via the Wi-Fi router. Ama-
the house wiring to connect devices now use Wi-Fi zon’s Echo and Google’s Home can control various
to connect devices together and to the internet. De- smart home devices. Once set up, the Assistants
vices like smart bulbs and smart sockets, smart can control the devices by your voice commands or
plugs, smart thermostats, smart security systems, an App on your smartphone. For example, they can
smart front door locks, and smart doorbells with turn lights on or off, open or lock doors, open or
cameras connect via the Wi-Fi router. Google, Ring, close garage doors, and even adjust the temperature
and Yale make smart locks that allow you to re- in your home. In addition, schedules for the control
motely lock or unlock your door, which means you of your devices can be set up on the App. For exam-
can let someone into the house even if you’re not ple, lights can come on or go off on a timed sched-
home or unlock your door if you forget your keys. ule, or they can even come on at dawn and go off at
And, of course, the bonus is that you can control dusk, and the time will be adjusted with the seasonal
and monitor the activities of these devices with your changes. So, today the modern smart home can op-
smartphone, which is hopefully always with you. erate on its own, be controlled remotely, or be con-
These devices can be controlled from inside the trolled by the owner’s voice; we’ve come a long way
house, outside the house, or halfway around the from simple X-10 style home automation.
world; anywhere you can get an internet connec-
November 2021 5