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Emoji Dictionary, Device

                                               Chargers, Windows 11 Update

                                                     By Jasmine Blue

         Q. Is there a dictionary for Emoji?                    fine if it is powerful enough.
         A. What a delightful question. There is not just a dic-     The latest technology in power adapters is gallium
         tionary, but an entire encyclopedia! Point any web     nitride, usually abbreviated GaN. These adapters
         browser to, your one-stop shop for all   tend to be smaller and more powerful than previous
         things emoji.                                          chargers. Some of them are powerful enough to han-
            While many people know about emoji, fewer peo-      dle a Chromebook or a couple of phones at the
         ple know that there is a constantly changing uni-      same time. Unfortunately, they require USB-C.
         verse surrounding emojis. New emojis are added            If you need a suggestion for your new smartphone,
         regularly, and illustrations for existing emoji charac-  the Anker Nano II 45-watt charger is an excellent
         ters change over time. For example, a recent           choice.
         change to the syringe character removed the red           One word of caution: avoid the temptation to go for
         drops suggesting blood, expanding the usefulness of    a bargain-priced power adapter. Safety margins mat-
         the syringe to communicate about vaccines.             ter. Even a well-designed high-quality adapter can
            These kinds of changes are documented on Emo-       develop problems. Bargain-priced adapters are no
         jipedia. Emojipedia is a labor of love founded by one   bargain in the long run.
         person, ‘Jeremy Burge, who refers to himself as the
         Chief Emoji Officer of Emojipeda. Jeremy's site con-   Q. Will my computer be able to run Windows 11
         tains a wealth of information, both current and histor-  when it is released?
         ic.                                                    A. As of late summer when I write this, no one
            There is a searchable index of character descrip-   knows for sure. Windows 11 beta arrived amidst a
         tions, character lists grouped by occasion, news,      surge of excitement a few months ago, but mixed
         release                                                messages have left a trail of confusion about com-
         schedules, and much more.                              patibility with existing hardware.
            The visual style of an illustration for each emoji      Although beta programs can seem almost routine,
         character varies. A smileyface looks one way on an     most people should avoid them. Significant changes
         iPhone, and a unique way on a Google phone.            before launch are common. There is a balance to be
         Some software companies also develop their own         stlilck which can only be found once the operating
         interpretation of the emoji character set.             system is tested on thousands of computers.
            Personal computing has come a long way from            Microsoft's initial Windows 11 hardware require-
         ASCII marks like :) to denote a sideways smile. To-    ments touChed off a backlash by some customers.
         day, the right emoji can add depth and meaning to      TO make a tough situation harder, there were con-
         any text.                                              flicting messages about exactly what the require-
                                                                ments were, and the test app to check for Windows
         Q. Are smartphone chargers interchangeable? Can I      11 compatibility was pulled -back for inaccuracies.
         reuse my existing charger with a new device?              One of the reasons the requirements question is
         A. The easy answer is sort of, but not always. Read    so challenging is because there are just so many of
         on to get the whole story.                             them. That makes simple statements like "less than
            The power charger tale mirrors many other stories   four years old" impossible.
         in tech. Some things get better. Some things get          Until the official release, the best thing to do is
         worse. And there is plenty of confusion to maximize    wait. Only then will we have enough information to
         the suspense. It does appear that the days of finding   evaluate Windows 11.
         a power charger in the smartphone box are num-
         bered. What was once considered a necessity is
         now an accessory.
            Besides quality, the difference between chargers
         comes down to two things: the USB connector and
         the power capacity. You will need a cable that
         matches the connectors on the adapter and your
         phone. When it comes to power, a little larger is bet-
         ter than a little too small. Your device will only draw
         the amount it requires. Reusing an older charger is

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