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Here's an Atari ST that's been in daily use since                new computers. And 6 months a year the
         1985 as a general-purpose business machine at a                  machine is on day and night!
         campground, complete with software written by its
         single careful owner, Frans Bos. Victor Bart inter-      Could you output the data for use on a new ma-
                                                                  chine?" Bart asks.
         views him about his decades of happy computing
                This Atari 1040ST is still in use after 36 years!   "No." replies Bos.
                Frans Bos bought this Atari in 1985 to run his
                camping (camping bohmerwald). He wrote his        The campsite has a website and I can't help but
                own software over the years to manage his         imagine it's served from the same Atari.
                camping and the registration of the guests. He
                really likes the speed of the machine over

         (Continued from page 12)
                                                               If that sounds like more trouble than it’s worth, there
                                                               are other options for you to explore. We’ve put togeth-
         need to use either the “Create Windows 11 Instal-
         lation Media” or “Download Windows 11 Disk Im-        er a walkthrough for making Windows 10 feel more
         age (ISO)“ options from the step above, since Mi-     like Windows 11, for when you can’t (or don’t want to)
         crosoft won’t let you use the Installation Assistant on   update. That way, you get the aesthetic benefits of
         unsupported hardware. However, the company rec-       Windows 11, without going through the hassle that is
         ommends you don’t install the ISO onto your unsup-    installing the operating system via ISO over and over
         ported machine, and has warned that those who do      again.
         so might not receive automatic updates. That
         means you’ll need to install each Windows 11 up-
         date from the ISO file as they are released.

         November 2021                                       13
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