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(Continued from page 11)                              •  Create Windows 11 Installation Media: This op-
                                                                  tion allows you to perform a clean install of Win-
         you would any other Windows update. Con-                 dows 11 on your machine using a Windows 11
         grats! Go ahead and follow the on-screen instruc-        ISO. You will need to use a blank DVD or USB
         tions to download and install the software               drive to perform the install on your PC. This type

         How to install Windows 11 if the update isn’t            of installation can be complicated if you’ve never
         available                                                done one before. Follow Microsoft’s directions for
                                                                  installing Windows 11 this way by clicking “Before
         If you don’t see this update, that’s okay—due to the     you begin” on this page.
         mercurial whims of Microsoft, only a limited pool of
         computers that will find a Windows 11 update ready    •  Download Windows 11 Disk Image (ISO): This
         to go in their Settings app. First, check to see if your   option lets you download the Windows 11 ISO to
         machine actually qualifies for an official update        do with as you wish. You could install it from a
         through Microsoft using the PC Health Check app,         DVD or USB drive as in the option above, or in-
         which you can download here if you don’t already         stall it directly from the ISO file. Again, this type of
         have it.                                                 installation can be complicated; you can follow
                                                                  Microsoft’s installation direction by click “Before
         If your computer meets Microsoft’s hardware re-          you begin” on this page.
         quirements, you can manually install the Windows
         11 update without needing to wait for Microsoft to    How to install
         add it to your updates page. To do so, head to Mi-    Windows 11 on an
         crosoft’s “Download Windows 11" page. From            unsupported ma-
         there, you have three options for installing the Win-  chine
         dows 11 update on your machine:                       If your machine
                                                               doesn’t support Mi-
         •  Windows 11 Installation Assistant: Microsoft
             recommends this option for those who don’t        crosoft’s hardware
             have the update already on their device. The      requirements for
             assistant will walk you through the installation   Windows 11, you
             process. Just click “Download Now” to get         can still install the
             started. You can find additional installation in-  software on your
             structions by clicking “Before you begin” on      computer. You’ll
             this page.                                                                             (Continued on page 13)

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