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the sun.
                                                                       If the sun is out, be sure your back-and not
                                                                your subject's-is to the sun or the subject will look
                                                                like a blacked-out silhouette. The hour before and
                                                                after sunset creates gorgeous light for photos.
                                                                Be a human tripod. If you can help it, don't hold
                                                                your phone at arm's length when taking photos.
                                                                You'll probably shake the phone more than you
            Captued moments                                     think, which could result in blurry images. Instead,
                                                                turn yourself into a human tripod by holding the
            Tips for great smartphone photos                    camera with both hands and pulling your arms into
                                                                your chest or stomach. You might look a little silly,
                                                                but you'll see the difference with your sturdier grip.
           THE BEST CAMERA, as they say, is the one you
           have with you.                                       Position for composition. Instead of placing your
                  Oh sure, your digital-SLR-toting friends      subjects in the center of the frame all the time,
           might get their lanyards all tied in a knot about you   move them to the left or right to make your photos
           hoist- ing your iPhone or Android device. But        instantly more powerful and beautiful. Better yet,
           smartphone cameras have some advantages              go in on an angle to add extra energy to the shot.
           when it comes to editing and sharing your work.             Also, try to match the height of the subject,
           To help you get more out of your summer              such as by kneeling on the ground to snap a pic-
           "phonegraphy" consider the following tips and        ture of a toddler, to ensure you're at eye level in-
           tricks.                                              stead of angling up or down.

           Turn the phone sideways. Unless you're taking a      Have fun with filters. Phone cameras usually in-
           picture of the Empire State Building, use the hori-   clude filters as part of the software, but there are
           zontal ("landscape") orientation when taking a       numerous apps that can help you easily edit and
           photo, as it will look much better on a computer or   share photos and videos. Some automatically
           television later on ( that is, no vertical black bars   tweak your shots for better color and brightness.
           on each side of the photo). Besides, a landscape     Apps like Instagram can add fun filters, such as a
           photo is better for group shots and scenery, as it   sepia finish or a retro '70s look. Snapchat adds fun
           gets more into the frame. Speaking of scenery,       animated effects to your pies. Literally thousands
           play around with your phone's panoramic mode for     of apps are available, for all platforms, so experi-
           ultrawide photos.                                    ment away.'

           Get up close and personal. Don't be shy. Unless      Back up, back up, back up. There's nothing
           it's a large, growling dog, there's no reason to be 5   worse than losing your smartphone and never hav-
           feet away from your subject. Fill the whole frame    ing backed up all those photos on it. There are
           with your subjects.                                  many ways to back them up. One is to plug your
                  Going in closer also means you can cap-       phone into your PC or Mac every night to charge it
           ture more facial detail, such as light freckling, a   up, and check off the option to back up everything
           charm- ing dimple or soft, pale blues of the iris.   onto the hard drive.
           Don't use your phone's digital zoom, as it might            Another option is to take advantage of a
           make your photo look pixelated-get closer your-      free password-protected "cloud" service-like
           self. Play around with how close is too close,       OneDrive, Drop box, iCloud, Google Drive or
           though, as that "macro" shot of a flower petal       Google Photos- and have it upload all of your
           might look blurry when you look at it later on.      phones· photos when- ever you snap them. To
                                                                save cellular data, you can select to upload only
           Use the light around you. Avoid using the flash      over Wi-Fi.
           wherever possible; instead, try to use the light            Finally, some USB thumb drives are wire-
           that's accessible, whether it's overhead lighting    less and let you back up photos and videos from a
           while indoors or, preferably, the sun outside.       phone. It's worth safeguarding your memories.
           Cloudy days are great for photos, as they diffuse

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