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            IT’S NEVER TOO LATE!

                                                                  WAS NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY AWARENESS
                                                                  MONTH (NCSAM) –

                                                                  This is an annual campaign to raise awareness
                                                                  about the importance of cybersecurity. The Inter-
                                                                  net touches almost all aspects of everyone’s dai-
                                                                  ly life, whether we realize it or not. NCSAM is
                                                                  designed to engage and educate public and pri-
                                                                  vate sector partners through events and initia-
                                                                  tives to raise awareness about the importance of
                                                                  cybersecurity, provide them with tools and re-
                                                                  sources needed to stay safe online, and increase
                                                                  the resiliency of the Nation in the event of a
                                                                  cyber incident. We’re an official Champion - are
                                                                  you? Join us in creating a culture of cybersecuri-
                                                                  ty. READ MORE

          Build a Better                                         symbol at the end, along with a capital letter or
          Use these proven techniques to                         Add a second door
          block hackers from accessing                           Two-factor authentication services add an extra
          your accounts                                          layer of security to your most vital digital accounts.
                                                                 You log in to an account using your usual pass-
          By Doug Shadel                                         word. Next, the two-factor authentication site
          OUTSMART FRAUD                                         sends your phone a six-digit code that you must
                                                                 enter before gaining access. For a list of websites
          Think of a computer as being a front door to your      that offer two-factor authentication, go to twofac-
          wealth and secrets. It can be make of flimsy wood or
          as impenetrable as a titanium bank vault. Here’s
          how to best secure your fortress.                      Keep your password in a vault
                                                                 Never store passwords in a file on your computer.
                                                                 Instead, use password manager apps that store
                                                                 passwords in a well-protected digital space. All
                                                                 you need  is a master password to access the list.
                                                                 Popular versions that use the cloud technology
                                                                 include LastPass, Dashline and iPassword. Apps
                                                                 that put the vault on your hard drive include Ro-
                                                                 boForm. Password Safe or KeePass.

                                                                 Refresh routinely
                                                                 Once a year, change the password on all your im-
                                                                 portant accounts. With hackers stealing data on
          Use passphrases                                        millions of accounts at a time, this will keep you
          Hacker use sophisticated software that can run mil-    protected if their focus turns toward you. Also
          lions of combinations of letters and symbols in a      change your password if you’ve notified by a web-
          short time. Your defense: longer passwords, Former     site that its security has been breached.
          hacker Kevin Mitnick recommends 20 characters or
          longer. The trick: use a sentence of phrase you cre-   Vary your passwords
          ate, such as “My Aunt Sylvis has loved me since I      That’s the golden rule, cybersecurity experts say;
          was a child.” It’s ultra-hard to hack but easy to re-  Why let one key unlock every one of your digital
          member. For even more security, add a number or        doors?

                                     My Password: SUPercalifragilisticexpialidocious$1945$

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