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          CCleaner version 5.33 was compromised with
          malware. Please check to see which version of
          CCleaner you have on your computer.

          Open CCleaner and you will find the version num-
          ber in the upper left corner on the title bar.

          Version 5.33 of the CCleaner app offered for
          download between August 15 and September 12
          was modified to include the Floxif malware, ac-
          cording to a report published by Cisco Talos a few    WHICH FILES SHOULD YOU BACK UP ON
          minutes ago. Updating to recent versions removes      YOUR WINDOWS PC? – Your PC’s hard drive
          malware.                                              could fail tomorrow, or a software bug could erase
                                                                your files, so backups are critical. But you don’t
                                                                need to back up all the files on your PC. That
          Floxif is a malware downloader that gathers infor-    would just waste space and make your backups
          mation about infected systems and sends it back       take longer to complete.
          to its C&C server. The malware also had the ability
          to download and run other binaries, but at the time
          of writing, there is no evidence that Floxif down-                                  The All-Important
          loaded additional second-stage payloads on in-                                      Rule of Backups –
          fected hosts.                                                                        The most important
                                                                                              rule of backups is
                                                                                              that any important
          The malware collected information such as com-                                      data should exist in
          puter name, a list of installed software, a list of                                 two or more physi-
          running processes, MAC addresses for the first                                      cal locations at
          three network interfaces, and unique IDs to identi-                                 once. You cannot
          fy each computer in part. Researchers noted that                                    create a backup and
          the malware only ran on 32-bit systems. The mal-                                    delete the original. If
          ware also quit execution if the user was not using    you do, it’s no longer really a backup. You still
          an administrator account.                             have just one copy of your data—you just moved it

                                                                to a different place.
          Avast recently bought Piriform – below from Avast
          CTO:                                                  You might think this is obvious, but you’d be sur-
                                                                prised how often we’ve been approached by read-
          In an email to Bleeping Computer, Avast CTO           ers that lost their data after their “backup” drive
          Ondrej Vlcek said that updating CCleaner to the       died.
          most recent recent versions fixes any issues, as
          “the only malware to remove is the one embedded       Go to this How-To Geek Web page and read about
          in the CCleaner binary itself.”                       the best method for backups.

          “The affected software (CCleaner v5.33.6162 and
          CCleaner Cloud v1.07.3191) has been installed on      You Play a vital role in
          2.27M machines from its inception up until now,”      the Chain of Survival!
          Vlcek also added. “We believe that these users        The Waukegan Fire Depart-
          are safe now as our investigation indicates we        ment is offering WEEKLY
          were able to disarm the threat before it was able to   classes on CPR/Defibrillator,
          do any harm.”                                         First Aid, Bloodborne Patho-
                                                                gen and Healthcare Provid-
          “There is no indication or evidence that any addi-    ers.
          tional “malware” has been delivered through the       Contact: FF Elizabeth Mass (847-815-4459 or
          backdoor,” Vlcek added.                     

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