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SPECIAL DISCOUNT                                       drive doing today?” or drill deep into hard drive
                                                                  characteristics, history, usage patterns, and
           Monitor and Protect Your Hard Drive                    health).

           MONITOR AND PROTECT YOUR HARD DRIVE –                  While the website only discusses simple hard
            Computer hard drives are your systems complex         drives, HD Sentinel also supports other storage
           workhorse — spinning rapidly non-stop, reliably and    devices: SSDs, SSHD (hybrid drives), memory
           rapidly fetching and storing data, year after year.    cards and thumb drives (where available), tape
           Until — uh oh, something’s wrong and where’s my        drives, and RAID controllers. Most of these are
           data?!                                                 uniquely supported by Hard Disk Sentinel, not by
                                                                  any other diagnostics/monitoring tools.

                                                                  HD Sentinel offers APCUG conference at-
                                                                  tendees & members of their groups a 40%
                                                                  discount from the five-copy lifetime family
                                                                  license price of $53, or a cost of $32
                                                                  through December 24
           Wouldn’t you like a window into your hard drive op-
           eration, performance, quality, stability, and reliabil-  Order your copy of HD Sentinel here
           ity? A lot goes on inside these devices that isn’t re-  ORDER Coupon Code XYZZY
           vealed by your system’s hard drive activity light!
                                                                  Monitor & Protect Your Data presentation vid-
           HD Sentinel <> is a           eo by Ray Parker, Epsilogix
           powerful tool for monitoring hard drive health and     SEE VIDEO
           learning more about drive innards than you likely
           imagined possible. At the same time, it’s designed
           for people who aren’t (and don’t want to become)
           experts; you can use it at a high-level (“How’s my

          The Internet of Ransomware.                             my phone and get a notification when it’s done.
          By Jasmine D’katz
                                                                  Once a week Alexa notifies me if I want to start
          I should be worried since my house is now smarter       the Roomba and clean the house.
          than me. I wake up in the morning and say good
          morning to Alexa and then ask her the weather. As I     For entertainment, I can talk to my TV remote
          rise out of bed my thermostat detects motion in the     and my Roku remote to choose what programs
          bedroom and turns on the HVAC to adjust the tem-        or movies I wish to watch.
          perature in the house. Alexa detects my entering the
          kitchen and pours me a cup of coffee and the TV         It been a long day interacting with my smart
                                         comes on. While I’m      home devices so as I head to bed, I tell Alexa to
                                         having my coffee         turn out the light and set the security alarms.
                                         Alexa informs me of
                                         any upcoming event I     Now I exhausted and time to sleep!
                                         may have for the
                                         day. As I pass by the
                                         thermostat, it
                                         remines me that the
                                         filter needs replacing
                                         in 4 days. As I check
                                         my phone, it detected
                                         motion in the drive-
                                         way, therefore I know
          my morning paper has arrived.
          As I go through the day I get more warning from my
          security cameras that someone is in my driveway
          and then a notification that the mail has been deliv-
          ered. When I open and close the door, I’m notified
          the status of the door.

          Before I leave the house, I place my evening meal in
          the Sosu Vide cooler and set the temp and timer on

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