Page 11 - March 2018
P. 11

(Continued from page 10)                               (Continued from page 4)

         have been a stressful interaction into one of true     product  issue  with  third-party  merchants  for
         physical and emotional sharing. Instead of being       some time now.
         put off and not wanting to visit in the future, the    If you don't know who is selling an item on Ama-
         experience brings the family together. This caus-      zon that you're interested in, here is how to tell.
         es a truly remarkable and rewarding effect that        These  are  the  three  ways  that  Amazon  fulfills
         encompasses not only the whole family but also         orders:
         the caregivers and other residents of the assist-
         ed living site as they become involved as well.                    1.  Amazon  Direct  -  products  are

         Ed stressed that this is a slow process which re-                      sold and shipped by Amazon.
         quires patience and perseverance, but it is worth
         the time and effort—a truly rewarding experi-                      2.  Amazon  Fulfillment  -  items  are
                                                                                provided  to  Amazon  by  a  third-
         ence for all involved. The individual with Demen-
         tia may or may not be able to effectively use the                      party. They are then warehoused
         iPad but their interaction with a family member                        and  shipped  by  Amazon.  These
         or caregiver using the iPad for them provides the                      are safe to purchase since Ama-
         spark that activates positive responses, resulting                     zon is the shipping party.
         in moments of Joy1, smiles, laughter and break-                    3.  Amazon  Marketplace  -  products
         ing through the “Dementia shell.”                                      are  sold  and  shipped  directly

         Although the Apple iPad was the device that Ed                         from  third-party  sellers.  These
         used,  he  did  mention  that  other  tablet  devices                  are the ones to avoid since items
         could be used, provided the apps were available                        are  shipped  by  the  third-party
         for those devices. Ed provided detail on how the                       merchant.
         various  apps  worked  and  how  they  stimulated      As  I  said  earlier,  people  like  the  Gallivans  who
         Diane.                                                 receive  packages  they  didn't  order aren't  doing

                                                                anything wrong and probably won't be negative-
                                                                ly affected by this. Except for all the clutter. The

                                                                real victims here are those who end up buying a
         Apps are described with links on Ed’s web site:        piece of junk item because they read a fake re-                              view. Not good!”

                                                                If you want an example of how this scam might
         Other information: Association for Frontotem-          affect  you,  search  online  for  “Fake  Apple
         poral Degeneration                                     chargers”.  This topic has been in the news off
                                                                and on for several years, driven by burns, fires                                and  damage  to  Apple  products  resulting  from

                                                                the use of counterfeit Apple cables and chargers
                                                                purchased  from  Amazon  and  other  sources.    I
         1 Creating Moments of Joy for the Person with
         Alzheimer’s or Dementia, Jolene Brackey,               would be willing to bet that in addition to descrip-
                                                                tions  assuring  the  buyer  that  these  were
         (Available on Amazon).
                                                                “genuine”  or  “original”  Apple  products  many
                                                                were  accompanied  by  glowing  customer  re-

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