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(Continued from page 9) the fan will pull them into your computer and
your utility company will love you.
questions to ask: How do I stop my iPad screen
from rotating? How do I change the text size on
my iPad? What is Bluetooth on my iPad? How With the increased use of always on – DSL and
do I use Google Earth on my iPad? I hope this Cable Internet and with the growing threat of
will help you enjoy your iPad even more! Good hackers and worms, it makes even more sense
luck! to shut your computer down when not in use.
TECH TALK A computer not running and not connected can-
not be hacked.
Should you leave your computer COMPUTER OFF AT NIGHT.
on 24 HOURS A DAY? · It's not unusual to get low on system re-
sources after you use Windows for a long
By Joe Isaac, Member, Central Kentucky Com- stretch, especially if you open and close
puter Society programs frequently. Adding a bunch of
March 2018 issue, CKCS newsletter RAM doesn't help. System resources are
stored in fixed memory blocks that reside in your System RAM.
· Programs store certain routines inside
newsletter (at) your system resources. Some programs
NO! I shut my computer down every don't reallocate or release the memory,
night. If I'm going to be gone several so after a while your machine gets full.
You must restart Windows to free up
days I not only shut it down, I unplug memory again.
the computer from the wall and unplug the
phone line from the wall.
That's why Windows feels more reliable if you
start it up fresh every day
You are wearing your fan motor out and pulling
dust thru your computer. Your hard drive may be Hello,
running more. If you get a big surge of electricity Hopefully you all are not flooding. Anyhow,
that jumps your surge protector, it may save the meeting is this coming Saturday, May
your computer by having it turned off. 19, 2018.
The presenter will be:
Your surge protector is passive and works J. J. Johnson and the subjects will be:
whether it is turned off or on. When it is off, the 1. Digital Assistants (Amazon Echo, etc.)
surge must jump the switch and the surge pro- 2. Associated Digital Hardware (Ring Vid-
tector to get to your computer. eo Doorbell
See you all there.
The only good thing about leaving your comput- Linda RohlfingProgram Manager
er on is that you can get rid of the dust bunnies,