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(Continued from page 7)                                added for the desired date and time. And just as
                                                                you would expect, when you look at your calen-
                 Again, to stop the alarm tones, just say       dar, on your smartphone or computer, you will
                 “Alexa, Stop.”                                 see the new appointment. And of course, you
                                                                can delete items using Alexa. And, you still have
             ·  Another nice feature built into Alexa is
                 the ability to create and maintain a To-       complete control over the calendar with your
                 Do list and a Shopping list. To add an         computer or smartphone.
                 item to the ToDo list just say, “Alexa         Home automation is another area where Alexa
                 Add “Item name” to the ToDo list, like         can be very useful. Home automation can take
                 “Alexa add Check the Oil” to the ToDo          the form of controlling lights, locks, thermostats,
                 list. And similarly, to add something to       and a security system. To accomplish these
                 the Shopping list, just say “Alexa, add        types of tasks, an appropriate Alexa compatible
                 “Food name” to the Shopping list, like         device and a “skill” for that device will have to be
                 “Alexa, add Butter to the Shopping list.”      set up. But, once these things are in place, Alexa
                 After you make either of these requests,       (as well as your smartphone) can control those
                 Alexa will respond and indicate that the       devices. I set up a tp-link, Alexa compatible, LED
                 item has been added to the requested           light and obtained the tp-link skill, and once set
                 list. Creating a list is all well and good,    up I was able to control the light just by saying
                 but the nice benefit here is that when         “Alexa turn on (or off) the living room lamp”.
                 you look at the Alexa App on your              (Very cool, sure beats the old X-10 control sys-
                 smartphone, your Shopping and ToDo             tem.) Maybe an Amazon Echo or a Google Home
                 lists are there and immediately updated.       can help you with some of your daily activities.
                 So, now your shopping list is available
                 the next time you are at the food store,
                 and your ToDo list is available when
                 you get to Home Depot parking lot and             Basic iPhone Skills
                 wonder why you drove there.

                                                                By Jim Cerny, Forum Leader, Sarasota Technol-
         Another feature I found useful was the ability         ogy User Group, Florida
         to check and maintain my calendar. Alexa can
         be set up to use many calendars, including the         November 2017 issue, Sarasota Monitor
         Google Calendar. Once the calendar is set up,
         you can inquire about the activities on your
         calendar just by saying “Alexa, what is on my          jimcerny123 (at)
         calendar for today,” or “Alexa what is on my
         calendar for the next two days.” (Alexa can re-        The iPad by Apple is becoming more and more
         port the activities on your calendar for today,        popular. It is really a full computer that is easily
         tomorrow, or even four days from now, but will         portable  and  so  helpful  for  many  every-day
         not report activities that happened in the past.)      tasks,  communication,  entertainment,  etc.  Hav-
         You can even add items to your calendar just           ing  taught  many  iPad  classes,  here  is  a  list  of
         by saying “Alexa add “Appointment” to my cal-          the BASIC skills every iPad user should know. If
         endar,” like “Alexa, Add “Dentist next Tuesday         you would like more information on any of these,
         at 10 in the morning” to my calendar.” Alexa
         will respond that the appointment has been
                                                                                                     (Continued on page 9)

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