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(Continued from page 8)                                7. To DELETE an app you no longer want, touch
                                                                and HOLD the app icon until it vibrates. Touch
         please  ask  Google!  By  the  way,  these  tips  are   the small “X” that appears in the upper left of the
         helpful for the iPhone as well:                        icon and your app will be deleted from your de-
                                                                vice. If there is no “X” you cannot delete the app.

                                                                Sorry,  you  do  not  get  your  money  back  if  you
         1. You should know and have written down your          purchased the app.
         Apple  ID  Account  and  password  (so  you  can
         purchase and download apps, even free ones).
         Also, if you use a “passcode” to access your de-       8.  Close  previously  used  apps  from  memory.
         vice, write that down too!                             Double-click the home button and your previous-
                                                                ly opened app pages will appear on the left side.

                                                                Drag UP each app to remove it from memory.
         2. Verify that your iPad is on Wi-Fi or not. Touch
         Settings  and  see  that  Wi-Fi  should  display  the
         network name or ID if you are connected or “not        9. Turn your iPad completely off periodically by
         connected” if you are not.                             HOLDING down the off/on button until “Slide to
                                                                power off” appears. Then do it. HOLD the off/on

                                                                button down until a white apple appears to turn
         3. Check for any software (apps) updates. See if       on your iPad after a power-down.
         there are any numbers on your “App Store” icon.
         If so, touch icon and download the updates.
                                                                10. Know some basic symbols such as for Wi-Fi,

                                                                Bluetooth,  battery,  airplane  mode,  and  the
         4.  Organize  your  apps  icons  on  your  screens.    “busy” rotating symbols.
         Touch  and  HOLD  on  any  icon  until  they  all  vi-
         brate. Now you can DRAG any icon to any place
         on any screen. Drag icon to left or right edge of      11.  Backup  your  important  apps  on  iCloud.  In
         screen  to  place  on  another  screen.  (Note  the    Settings,  touch  your  name/account,  then  touch
         small white and gray dots toward the bottom of         “iCloud” (it has your account name under it), in
         your  screen  shows  the  number  of  screens  you     the  list  that  appears,  turn  “ON”  the  iCloud  for
         have.) Let up finger to place icon. Hit HOME but-      each app, such as Contacts, Calendars, Notes,
         ton to exit the “vibrating” mode and get back to       etc. These will be backed up for you on iCloud.

                                                                12. Adjust brightness. In Settings, touch “Display
         5. Getting a new app: Open the “App Store” icon        and Brightness”. I like using “AutoBrightness” so
         and enter a search word or two in the “Search”         I have that turned on.
         bar at the top of the screen. Try it! (golf game,
         maps, movies, puzzles, news, etc. are all sam-
         ples of search words, try your words).                 Learn  something  NEW  about  your  iPad  often.
                                                                Talk  to  friends,  take  a  class,  and,  most  im-

                                                                portant, use the Safari app that comes with your
         6.  Before  downloading  or  trying  a  new  app:  In   iPad  or  ASK  GOOGLE  (you  can  download  the
         the  App  Store,  touch  any  app  to  learn  more     Google  app  for  free).    Here  are  some  sample
         about it.
                                                                                                    (Continued on page 10)

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