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(Continued from page 1)                                 (Siri has been around the longest and appears
                                                                 to have the largest user base, followed by
         the Things to Try page in the Alexa App.” (If           Google and Alexa.) All of these can provide an-
         you don’t have a device, befriend someone who           swers to basic time and weather questions, and
         has one and give it a try.) When you go to the          even basic information lookup questions. Alexa
         Amazon Echo App and choose Things to Try,               is unique in that it is accessed by use of the
         you will see quite an impressive list headed by         Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, or Echo Show devic-
         “What’s new?” (new things Alexa can do), and            es, not by a computer or smartphone (though
         Echo Show (an ad for the new Echo Show de-              you need a smartphone to setup many of its ca-
         vice). And 28 more topics, alphabetically ar-           pabilities). Google’s Assistant, which is like
         ranged, starting with “Ask questions,” “Calling         Alexa, can be accessed by a smartphone (or
         and messaging,” and “Check your calendar.”              tablet), and the Google Home device. The
         These are many of the things that you can try           Google Home device is like the Amazon Echo
         after you get over asking: “Alexa, what is the          device.
         temperature,” “Alexa what time is it,” and
         “Alexa, tell me a joke.”                                Going back to Alexa’s list of “Things to Try,”
                                                                 there are many things that can be very useful in
         A Digital Assistant is a complex piece of soft-         your daily routine, such as Control of smart
         ware that can perform many tasks or services            home devices, Control music, check your calen-
         for the user. A Digital Assistant typically in-         dar, setting alarms, timers and reminders, Cre-
         cludes access to large databases and includes           ating ToDo and Shopping lists. Some if these
         Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. The Digi-    things are inherent and are part of Alexa, and
         tal Assistant software runs on a Server, aided          some of these require additional support in the
         by the App running in the local device                  form of “skills.” Skills are Amazon’s term for ad-
         (smartphone, computer or dedicated device like          ditional support from a source other than Alexa
         the Echo). Remember Client-Server Technolo-             or the Alexa App. To see a comprehensive list
         gy? Digital assistants typically are voice con-         of these skills, just Google “Amazon Skills,” and
         trolled and provide verbal and/ or action results       select “ Alexa Skills.”
         (like answering a question or turning a light on
         or off). Amazon’s Alexa is just one of the digital         ·  Setting a timer is built into Alexa. All you
         Assistants that are finding their way into regular             have to do is say “Alexa, set a “Name of
         use. Others that you may be familiar with are                  timer” for “number of minutes,” for exam-
         Google’s “Ok, Google,” Apple’s “Siri,” Mi-                     ple: Alexa, set a “Cook the rice” timer for
         crosoft’s “Cortana,” and Samsung’s “Bixby.”                    “15 minutes.” In 15 minutes, Alexa will
                                                                        announce “Cook the rice timer” is done.”
                                                                        Alexa will continue to announce it until
                                                                        you acknowledge it by saying “Alexa,
                                                                        Stop.” (I know battery operated kitchen
                                                                        timers are cheap and reliable, but you
                                                                        typically can’t set them by voice.)

                                                                    ·  You can also set Alarms for specific
                                                                        times, like “Alexa, set an alarm for 7 in
                                                                        the morning.” The alarm, when it occurs,
                                                                        is a pleasant sequence of gentle tones.

                                                                                                      (Continued on page 8)

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