Page 3 - July 2018
P. 3

Phil’s Ramblings

                                                                to  our  club  a  year  ago.    Given  that  the  timing
                                                                works well with our August meeting, there was
                                                                agreement at the June meeting that we will use
                                                                that video presentation as our program for the
                                                                August meeting.

                                                                Here  are  other  topics  that  were  suggested  at
                                                                the June meeting:

                                                                     ·  Skype  and  other  video-calling  applica-
                                                                     ·  Useful  cell  phone  apps  –  Android  and
                                                                        iOS; perhaps as a panel discussion
                                                                     ·  Using  Zoom  as  a  video-conferencing
         Summer has finally arrived – at least on the cal-              tool for net meetings
         endar!  Time to relax, get outside and plan some            ·  Tivo / Netflix tutorial
         vacation  activities.    Don’t  forget  the  sunscreen      ·  Costco technology offerings & support –
                                                                        later in the year
         and bug spray!                                              ·  Using  a  laptop  computer  as  a  desktop
         In the computer world, sadly, the news is more                 replacement
         about  an  increasingly  sophisticated  network  of         ·  All-in-One computers, explanation, pros
                                                                        & cons, etc.
         bad guys, state actors and others bent on mis-              ·  Show  ‘n  Tell  –  another  opportunity  for
         chief, thievery and political and economic sabo-               members to display & discuss technolo-
         tage than it is about new and exciting products                gy
         and software that can be of some benefit to indi-           ·  Grayslake Library technology “Hub” / 3-
         viduals.  The writing is on the wall; we all need              D printing
         to  keep  reading  the  latest  news  about  security   Chynna  Rose,  who  gave  us  an  excellent
         risks and the steps we can take to protect our-        presentation  earlier  this  year  about  cell  phone
         selves.  Given the difficulty that authorities face    plans and relations with your provider, has vol-
         in  tracking  down  and  punishing  scammers  and      unteered  to  do  the  Skype  presentation  some-
         worse operating in the Dark Web, this situation        time in the fall.  Mike Andrews has offered to do
         does not seem likely to change for the better an-      a presentation for us later in the year, with the
         ytime soon!                                            subject yet to be determined.  So, we have lots
         In our world, we had a good discussion at June’s       of  potential  meeting  topics  and  several  volun-
         LCACE meeting about areas of interest and pro-         teers lined up.
         grams our members would like to see in coming          The  APCUG  Virtual  Technology  Conferences
         months.  I’m scheduled to do a video presenta-         (VTC) that I mentioned above represent another
         tion  for  the  August  APCUG  Virtual  Technology     source of ready-made presentations.  There are
         Conference  on  August  18 ,  at  the  same  time      six presentations at each conference by volun-
         and  on  the  same  day  as  our  August  LCACE        teers  from  personal  computer  user  groups
         meeting.    The  presentation  will  be  an  updated   around the country, on a variety of topics.  After
         version of the Digital Afterlife presentation I gave

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