Page 8 - July 2018
P. 8

(Continued from page 1)                                 and he’d call me back at 10 am the next morn-
                                           The line is nev-
                                           er  busy  unless      He  asked  to  be  paid,  and  since  my  computer
                                           they are having       was adequately working and he’d been working
                                           trouble       be-     on it for 8 hours, already, I gave him my credit
                                           cause  they’ve        card and paid the $299.99.
                                           always       had
                                           fantastic    cus-     The next morning, at 10 am, he called back and
         tomer service. I tried twice more during the day        worked  on  it  until  almost  noon.  He’s  put  ten
         with the same results.                                  hours  into  my  computer,  he  had  given  me  his

         I finally  got  through to  COX  at about  6:30 that    name,  and  said  he’d  call  back  the  following
         evening.  They  were  not  having  any  problems,       week  to  check  if  everything  was  alright.  With
         and they couldn’t help me because I have Gmail          Daniel’s  “work-a-round,”  my  computer  worked,
         accounts and they would only intervene if they          fine.
         were  COX  accounts.  I  said  to  the  technician,
         “What should I do?” He replied, “Call Google!” I
         said, “Who are you going to call at Google, they        On  Tuesday,  September  12th,  he  called  back
         have no customer service!” He offered, “I have          promptly at 10 am, said “hello” and asked how
         a number for Google support!”                           everything was working. I told him it was work-
                                                                 ing  fine,  but  by  adding  the  “work-a-round”  (a
                                                                 new  email  address  getting  the  email  from  the

         He gave me the number and the first thing Mon-          old one), I was getting a lot of duplicate emails.
         day morning I called 1-844-400-1570. I asked if         He  took  another  look,  but  this  time  he  used  a
         they were “Google Support” and the gentleman            different software.
         said “Yes.” His name was Daniel. We discussed           Since Gigabyte Gazette on 18 December 2017
         the problem and he said I’d have to let him into        we were still in communication over the phone, I
         my computer, so he could check. REMEMBER -              asked “why?” and he replied, “My company has
         COX  gave  me  this  number.  I  had  to  give  per-    installed a new software in the past week.”
         mission and put in a code number to let him into
         my  computer.  He  looked  around  for  a  while,       The  guy  had  already  worked  on  my  computer
         “scanned”  my  computer  for  viruses  and  mal-        for  TWELVE  HOURS  and,  remember,  I
         ware and told me I had probably been “hacked.”          CALLED  HIM!  He  said,  “Look,  you’ve  been
         I asked, “What do we do now?” Daniel said he’d          hacked, so I’m going to refund your money be-
         fix it and said the charge would be $299.99 in-         cause we didn’t do our job!”
         cluding a one-year warrantee on my computer. I          He  said,  “Let  me  be  sure.”  Then  my  PC’s
         figured it was worth it to get this problem fixed.      screen  went  BLACK!  I  asked,  “Daniel,  what’s

                                                                 going  on?”  He  replied,  “It’s  the  new  software,
                                                                 don’t  worry.”  Coincidently,  my  cell  phone  was
         He  continued  to  work on my  computer,  while  I      right  next  to  my  computer.  As  the  screen  was
         watched  what  he  did,  and  we  talked  over  the     black  and  I  couldn’t  see  what  he  was  doing,  I
         phone, throughout. He worked on my computer             received  text  messages  on  my  cell  phone,
         until  5:30  pm  (from  9:30  am)  and  said  he  did   “PayPal Gift  Card  -  $100!”  “PayPal Gift  Card  -
         what he could, the email was working with some
         “work-a-rounds,” but  it  was  the end  of his shift
                                                                                                      (Continued on page 9)

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