Page 12 - July 2018
P. 12

(Continued from page 11)                                I still have an old HP Deskjet 5650 printer and
                                                                 an  Epson Stylus  Photo  R340  printer in  my  of-
         doned the personal printer. My son and daugh-           fice, but I’ve not used either in over eight years
         ter, both in their late 20’s, each still own a laptop   and  should  probably  get  rid  of  them.  The
         in addition to their smartphones, but have no in-       Deskjet is old and slow, and I get better quality
         terest in having a printer. They have no need to        for the few photos I need printed by going to the
         print  photos,  preferring  to  post  them  online  or   photo  center  in  Costco,  rather  than  using  the
         display them on their phones. The few hard cop-         finicky Epson. I also have a Samsung ML-2510
         ies they need to make can be printed at work, or        low-cost  black  laser  printer,  but  I  don’t  use  it
         at the copy center at Staples or Office Depot (or       much. Laser printers use heat to fuse powdered
         at Dad’s house).                                        toner  to  the  paper,  and  this  printer  seems  to
                                                                 generate quite a lot of heat. I can feel an exces-

                                                                 sive  amount  of  heat  coming  off  the  top  of  the
         I started my work life in the early 1980’s, so I’ve     printer  when  it  has  been  on  for  just  a  few
         witnessed the evolution of the personal comput-         minutes,  so  to  reduce  energy  usage  (and  fire
         er  and  the  personal  printer.  I’ve  owned  dot-     risk), I only leave it on long enough to print.
         matrix and daisy-wheel impact printers, as well
         as ink jet and laser printers. When my children
         were young, they had their own individual print-        One thing I have always wanted in a printer is
         ers and desktop computers for school work, re-          the ability to print on 11” x 17” paper. I have this
         sulting in four printers in the house. Every com-       capability at my work and find it is really useful
         puter  needed  its  own  printer  as  each  stood       when printing CAD drawings and diagrams, as
         alone and disconnected  in  the  days  before  the      well as large spreadsheets. Another useful fea-
         Internet.  Since  the  development  of  modern          ture I’ve been looking for is the ability to scan
         home  networking  and  networked  printers,  my         double-sided  originals  automatically  (this  is  a
         wife and I have been sharing a single printer for       special feature of the scanner’s document feed-
         the past eight years.                                   er). Late last year I saw an HP OfficeJet 7740
                                                                 all-in-one printer advertised with a great price at

                                                                 Fry’s;  it  had  both features,  so  I bought  it as  a
         The  HP  OfficeJet  Pro  8500  all-in-one  network      birthday present to myself. I planned to set it up
         printer I bought for my wife in 2009 has always         in my office in place of my scanner, so I would
         resided  in  the  downstairs  bedroom  that  is  her    have  printing  and  scanning  at  hand.  Unfortu-
         home  office.  She  uses  it  weekly  to  print  stock   nately, my life is often too busy, and so this new
         lists for her job as a retail seed merchandiser. It     printer sat in its box for most of 2017.
         is a printer / scanner / fax machine in one unit,
         with a single-sided scanner feeder in addition to
         flat-bed scanning capability (it can automatically      Over  the  years,  the  HP8500  printer  served  us
         scan a stack of pages on one side only). It can         well  with  few  issues.  Occasionally  the  print
         also automatically print double-sided to save pa-       quality  would  drop,  with  blank  streaks  in  the
         per.  It  has  a  wired  Ethernet  connection  to  my   printed output. Using its diagnostic software to
         home  network,  so  I  can  print  to  it  from  my     clean  the  print  heads  usually  solved  the  prob-
         “office” upstairs. It is not so useful for me to run    lem,  though  with  time  multiple  and  more  fre-
         downstairs to scan, so I have kept my old USB           quent cleaning cycles were needed. Finally, this
         flat-bed scanner in my office.                          spring,  even  three  head  cleaning  cycles  didn’t
                                                                                                    (Continued on page 13)

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