Page 14 - July 2018
P. 14

in her office, and she has been happily printing       on a green background. Touch this app to open
         ever since.                                            it for sending and reading text messages.

         Our old HP8500 served us well for many years.          You  can  think  of  texting  (most  people  use  the
         These two  new  printers provide  many  new  ca-       term “texting” instead of “messaging”) as anoth-
         pabilities  and  are  easier  to  set  up  and  use.   er  form  of  email,  and  we  all  know  how  to  use
         Hopefully we can look forward to many years of         email, right? When the app is open, the starting
         good use out of them as well.                          screen will have the word “Messages” at the top
                                                                center. To the left will be “Edit” and to the right

                                                                will  be  the  NEW  MESSAGE  icon  –  a  square
         It is a far, far better printing situation than I have   with a pencil on it. If you have any text messag-
         ever known.                                            es on your phone you will see them listed here,
                                                                the most recent message on top. You should be
         Back to the Basics                                     in the habit of DELETING text messages you no

                                                                longer need, just like you do your email. There
         Basic iPhone Texting                                   is a setting in your iPhone to set how long you

                                                                wish  to  keep  your  text  messages  (including  a
                                                                “forever” option!). To DELETE a text message,
         By  Jim  Cerny,  Forum  Leader,  Sarasota  Tech-       touch “Edit” and an empty circle will appear next
         nology User Group, Florida                             to each message sender – touch the circles of

         October 2017 issue, Sarasota TUG Monitor               the text messages you wish to delete, and the
                                                                circle  will  change  to  blue  with  a  white  check                                        mark indicating you have SELECTED that mes-
         jimcerny123 (at)                               sage.  Then  touch  on  “Delete”  at  the  bottom  of
                                                                the screen to delete that message.
         Whoever  thought  that  “texting”  would  become
         such  a  common  communication  method?  I
         mean, who would need to TEXT someone and
         spend  all  that  time  using  their  fingers  (or
         thumbs)  when  you  can  just  CALL  the  person
         and  talk  to  them  directly  (or  at  least  leave  a
         voice  message)??  Well,  texting  is  indeed  very
         popular and is found to be useful by many peo-
         ple. The definition of “texting” or “messaging” is
         using your iPhone to send text messages to an-
         other phone or device. The receiver will hear a
         tone  that  indicates  a  message  has  been  re-
         ceived and may read it or reply to it at their lei-
         sure. This article is intended to help you with the
         basic texting functions. Be aware that there are
         more  texting  options  and  abilities  beyond what
         is presented here.

         The  texting  “app”  (application  or  program)  for
         the iPhone is called “Messages” and comes free
         with  your  iPhone.  You  cannot  delete  this  app.
         The app logo is a white cartoon word “balloon”                                             (Continued on page 15)

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