Page 9 - July 2018
P. 9

(Continued from page 8)                                each card, the “hack-ware” would be uninstalled!
                                                                He had already taken $299.99 in payment for his
         $50!” On and on. I asked Daniel, “What’s going         services, tried to buy $450 in PayPal gift cards,
         on?”                                                   tried to purchase a $500 gift card from Amazon,

         He answered, “Nothing, I’m fixing your comput-         and now he wanted $300 more? Nope! So now,
         er!”  I  answered,  “Money  is  being  taken  from     two weeks later, I’ve restored my main comput-
         PayPal!” He replied “Don’t worry! It’s so we can       er, the email is working fine, I’m currently restor-
         give you your refund!”                                 ing  my  second  laptop  because  I  also  allowed
                                                                Daniel  to  check  those  email  settings.  I’ve

                                                                changed all my credit cards and my passwords
         I  said,  “Not  from  what  I  see!  Goodbye!”  and  I   and  I’m  exhausted.  I  haven’t  lost  any  of  the
         pulled the plug! I immediately called PayPal, and      “charges” yet, because they are all in “dispute,”
         stopped  the  $450  in  Gift  Card  charges!  Then  I   and  because  PayPal,  Amazon  and  my  bank
         called my Bank and put a freeze on all my credit       worked  quickly,  and  I’m  disputing  the  initial
         cards. Remember, Equifax had been hacked the           charge of $299.99.
         week before, so they were NO HELP!

                                                                If that’s the price I must pay, “A lesson learned,
         Then  I  called  Amazon,  where  I  spend much  of     is  a  lesson  earned!”  and  maybe  someone  can
         my money. They informed me they had “denied”           benefit  from  this  experience.  REMEMBER  –  I
         a  charge  for  a  $500  gift  card  (because  I  had   called  Daniel  because  my  trusted  Internet  Pro-
         never  ordered  something  like  that  before,  and    vider GAVE ME THE PHONE NUMBER!
         they were trying to contact me to verify, but my
         computer and two phones were all in use – it’s
         called “profiling”.)                                   The  only  people  SCSCC  members  should  let
                                                                into  their  computers  are  our  Computer  Club’s

                                                                Repair SIG which meets every Tuesday from 1
         I called my friend, Chuck, at the Computer Club        to 4 pm in the Computer Club Classroom at the
         and he told me to bring my computer over (the          Pinnacle, and the only requirement is joining the
         Tuesday  Repair  SIG  –  Special  Interest  Group,     Computer Club! They know what they are doing,
         had just started). I brought it over and when the      and they live HERE!”
         guys started up my computer it required a pass-
         word (which I had not made) to enter.
                                                                From Judy: This article leads into a great discus-

                                                                sion with your group members on who they trust
         This is called RANSOMEWARE – They lock up              to work on their computers, and why. If a mem-
         or scramble your computer and make you pay a           ber  doesn’t  have  a  trusted  person,  they  might
         fee to release your computer from their control!       think  about  introducing  themselves  to  another
         Chuck,  and  the  other  guys,  took  out  the  hard   member’s trusted person. I, personally, wouldn’t
         drive,  did  something  to  it  to  remove  the  pass-  get in touch with a members’ friend or relative.
         word, and then I got my external hard drive and
         we restored the computer to BEFORE this inci-
         dent began.

         In  the  meantime,  Daniel  called  five  times  and
         told me to buy three $100 iTunes gift cards, and
         when I put in the pin numbers from the back of

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