Page 4 - July 2018
P. 4

each  VTC,  the  presentations  are  uploaded  to                            3  PROBLEMS  WITH  USB-C
         the APCUG section on YouTube.  At last check                                 YOU     NEED     TO    KNOW
         there are 139 APCUG VTC video presentations                                  ABOUT  –  USB  Type-C  is
         on YouTube.  I encourage everyone to browse                                  clearly  the  future,  but  get-
         through them; you may find quite a few that ad-                              ting  to  the  future  isn’t  al-
                                                                                      ways  painless,  and  USB-C
         dress topics of interest to you.  If one or more                             has a lot of problems. Here
         catch your eye and you feel it / they would be                               are a few things every new
         an appropriate presentation for our club, please       USB-C user needs to know.
         let us know.  (You can also watch them on your
         own, for free; each presentation runs between          Most  new  Android phones use  USB-C,  Apple’s
         40 and 50 minutes.)                                    laptops  use  this  port  exclusively,  and  it’s  in-
                                                                creasingly common to see at least one such port
         Please email any suggestions you have for fu-          on  new  PCs.  But  not  every  USB-C  port  is  the
         ture program topics and/or presenters to Linda         same, and not every USB-C cable you can buy
         Rohlfing  and  me  at  and         works the same way. Read more of this How-To  Thanks for your help!            -Geek article at:
                                                                HOW TO TURN OFF AD PERSONALIZATION IN YOUR
         Our July LCACE picnic will start at 12:00 noon
                                                                GOOGLE ACCOUNT  –  Don’t want to deal with tar-
                                                                geted  ads?  TechRepublic  shows  how  to  limit
                                                                your shared personal data in Google.

                                                                Google is increasing transparency by giving us-
                                                                ers  more  control  over  customized  ads,  product
                                                                manager Philippe de Lurand Pierre-Paul said in
                                                                a blog post Thursday.

                                                                For the past decade, Google has made strides
                                                                to be more transparent in how personal data is
                                                                used to tailor ads. In 2009, Google released Ad
                                                                Settings, giving users a defined location to con-
                                                                trol ads. The settings evolved in 2011 and 2012
                                                                with the additions of Why this ad? And Mute this
                                                                ad,  the  post  noted.  In  2015,  all  these  features
         on  Saturday,  July  21 ,  at  State  Bank  of  the    were  housed  together  within  your  Google  ac-
         Lakes in Grayslake!  As we did last year, our          count, creating a single point of access for secu-
         club will provide sandwich trays and soft drinks.      rity setting and personal information.
         We  need  help  from  our  members  –  1.  Let  us     With  Google’s  new  Ad  Settings,  you  can  now
         know that you are planning to attend, and how          understand  how  your  personal  information  is
         many people will be attending with you (so we          used in the ads you see. Additionally, Google is
         know how much food to buy); 2. Bring an appe-          expanding the Why this ad? function to all ser-
         tizer,  side  dish  or  dessert  to  share.  (Please   vices—including  Search  and  YouTube—and
         plan  to  arrive  NLT  11:45  am to help  with  set-   nearly  all  sites  and  apps  that  allow  Google  to
                                                                show ads, the post noted.
         up, set out the food you are bringing, etc.).
         Please  contact  Liz  Barnett  to  provide  attend-    If  you  aren’t  comfortable  with  Google  having
         ance info and to let her know what food you will       your  personal  data  and  tailoring  your  ads,  see
                                                                how  to  monitor  and  control  your  shared  infor-
         be  bringing  to  share  at  the  picnic.    You  can   mation,  with  three  steps  plus  screen  shots  to
         reach her at  Thank you!           limit  targeted  ads,  at  this  TechRepublic  web
         See you at our Picnic!

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