Page 5 - July 2018
P. 5

Membership Chairperson                                     L.C.A.C.E. Historian

                             Report                             History Report, 2018-06-16 Meeting
                                                                By Les Larkin
         Membership Report

         June 16, 2018                                          Our June meeting was conducted by Phil Bock.

                                                                David Carlson won the door prize, an Orbit -

         Members: e8                                            Find Your Key, Find Your Phone accessory.

         Meeting Attendee: 20 = 53%
                                                                Mike McEnery won the 50/50 raffle, he and the
                                                                club each receiving $12.00.

                                                                Congratulations to all prize winners!
                                                                Thanks to Linda Busch for making the coffee,
                                                                and to Liz Barnett and Linda Busch for provid-
         THANKS FOR RENEWING                                    ing munchable for us.

         Johanna Triggs

         Kenneth Nethecote                                      This month's program was "Managing Your
                                                                Router and Useful Computer Videos". Thanks,
                                                                Phil., for showing us this useful, basic infor-
         THANKS FOR VISITING                                    mation.

         None                                                   Another great meeting, and I hope to see you

                                                                at our July 21 meeting at the State Bank of the

                  Lester Larkin                                              Jack Frost

                     Liz Barnett                                       Lew Seidenberg

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