Page 13 - July 2018
P. 13

(Continued from page 12)

          completely  restore  good  print  quality,  and  the
          HP diagnostic software reported that new print
          heads were needed.

          With  most  HP  printers  I’d  owned,  the  print
          heads  were  part  of  the  ink  cartridges,  so  you
          got  fresh  heads  with  each  cartridge  replace-
          ment. With the HP8500, the ink cartridges were
          just ink reservoirs; the heads were separate re-
          placeable  modules.  Despite  their  supposed
          simplicity,  the  HP940XL  ink  cartridges  it  used
          still cost around $100 per set (three color car-      My wife of course needed to print for her work
          tridges  and  one  black).  Even  though  the  two    activities the next day, and it was too late to get
          print head modules cost around $80, I was hap-        her  a  new  printer  that  evening.  Fortunately,  I
          py enough with the performance we had gotten          had the new HP7740 printer I had bought for my
          out  of  the  printer over  the  eight  years we  had   own use but had not set up yet. The setup for
          used it, and so bought a set.                         this network printer was far easier than the old
                                                                HP8500  was  eight  years  ago.  Once  the  new
                                                                printer  was  powered  and  connected  with  an

          Replacing  the  heads  was  easy  to  do,  and  at    Ethernet cable to my home network (it could al-
          first  solved  the  problem  completely.  The  print   so  connect  via Wi-Fi),  the  printer software and
          quality was once again excellent. A month later,      drivers  could  be  installed  easily  from  the  HP
          however, the printer abruptly stopped working.        website.  The  software  automatically  searched
          It  gave  an  error  message  that  no  heads  were   for  the  printer  on  my  network  and  configured
          installed, thus it refused to print at all. I tried re-  everything.  Creating  an  HP  printer  account  on
          moving and reinstalling the heads, with no im-        their site allows you to obtain an email address
          provement. Only then did I go online to search        for the printer. Any emails sent to that address
          on  this fault  and  found  many  other  users  with   are  printed  (up  to 10 MB  and  up  to  10  attach-
          the  same  problem  after  replacing  heads.  The     ments), making it easy to print remotely or from
          only  solution  reported  by  these  users  was  to   any  device  that  can  send  emails,  including
          temporarily  reinstall  the  old  print  heads  until   smartphones,  tablets  and  Chromebooks.  I  in-
          they were recognized, and then swap the new           stalled the software on her computer as well, so
          heads back in. Even this was not often a per-         we could both use my new printer.
          manent solution; some reported having to per-
          form this swap periodically. Since I’d listened to
          my  wife  and  thrown  the  old  heads  away  right   Later that week we went printer shopping for my
          after installing the new ones, this solution was      wife and bought an HP OfficeJet Pro 8715 from
          not an option. Because a new printer’s cost was       Costco. It had all the features of the HP7740 but
          not  much  more  than  another  set  of  heads  for   had only one paper tray for 8.5” x 11” paper. It
          this one, it was time to go shopping.                 was just as easy to set up and, as a bonus, it
                                                                uses  the  same  HP952XL  ink  cartridges  as  the
                                                                7740. I set it up in place of the broken HP8500

                                                                                                    (Continued on page 14)

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