Page 11 - July 2018
P. 11

(Continued from page 10)                               It  seems  that  all  the  traditional  computer  input/
                                                                output devices are falling out of favor. The rise in
         the  HomeGroup  connection  is  sometimes              popularity of the tablet computer and now espe-
         ‘disconnected’ without apparent reason.                cially the smartphone have played a major part
                                                                in  this.  The  previously  iconic  combination  of
         If  you  want  to  see  the  HomeGroup,  open  File
         Explorer (the folder icon on the taskbar), scroll to   desktop  computer,  monitor,  keyboard,  mouse
         the bottom of the tree on the left pane and you’ll     and printer has not been the norm in the person-
         see  the  homegroup  listed.  Click  on  the  Home-    al computer / tech world for some time. The lap-
         Group  name  and  you  should  see  both  (all) the    top or notebook PC, which generally eliminates
         computers in the homegroup and the folders you         the  need  for  a  separate  display,  keyboard  and
         have selected for sharing (except for printers).       mouse, has been outselling the desktop for quite
                                                                many  years  already.  Now  the  ultra-portable
         If you want to share a folder that’s not ‘standard’    smartphones  and  tablets,  with  their  integrated
         right, click on that folder (such as the Desktop –     touch-screen displays, have surely put monitor,
         scroll  up  in  the  tree  view)  and  click  on  ‘Share   keyboard and external pointing device sales in a
         With’ and pick an option. When you do this, you        steep decline.
         should  see  the  items  that  are  shared  in  the
         homegroup change.
                                                                Printer  sales  are  also  declining.  I’m  like  most

                                                                people in wanting to cut back on the amount of
                                                                paper in my life, both to reduce clutter and help
                                                                the  environment.  I’d  much  prefer  a  paperless
                                                                life,  where  my  bills  and  financial  statements
                                                                come as downloaded pdfs, rather than hard cop-
                                                                ies  in  the mail, and my file  cabinet  of  personal
                                                                and financial data is a USB external hard drive.
                                                                Smartphones are helping in this trend. More and
                                                                more, tickets, coupons and other identifying doc-
                                                                uments are being accepted when displayed on a
                                                                smartphone  or  tablet  screen,  instead  of  having

                                                                to  present a  physical piece  of  paper (barcodes
                                                                have also helped make this happen).

                                                                While my goal is to eliminate my home file cabi-
         By  Greg  Skalka,  President,  Under  the  Com-        nets by scanning my existing paper documents
         puter Hood User Group, CA
                                                                and insisting on electronic documents in the fu-
         November 2017 issue, Drive Light                       ture, there are still times when I do need to print.                                          Some  of  the  continued  interest  in  computer
                                                                printing is probably generational. I still own print-
         president (at)                               ers; my adult children do not. Just as most mil-

                                                                lennials have “cut the cord” in their switch from
                                                                cable TV (or televisions in general) to streaming
         It  was  the  best  of  times,  it  was  the  worst  of
         times . . .                                            content from the Internet, they have also aban-

         It was time to buy a new printer.                                                          (Continued on page 12)

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