Page 15 - July 2018
P. 15

(Continued from page 14)                               Well, I guess it is all up to you. When you have
                                                                completed  your  text  message,  touch  on  the
         When  you  SEND  a  text  message  to  someone         GREEN CIRCLE with the up arrow in it to SEND
         and they text you in return, you are carrying on a     your  message.  This  message  will  be  added  to
         “conversation” with that person. Your conversa-        your  message  list  on  the  home  screen  of
         tion of multiple messages sent and received will       “Messages”. If you change your mind and do not
         all be associated with that person (actually, that     wish to send it, touch “Cancel”. Be POLITE and
         person’s  phone  number).  When  you  delete  a        nice.
         message, you are really deleting that conversa-        Your text messages can be kept forever and are
         tion  you  had.  But  do  not  worry,  when  you  text   admissible  in  court  just  like  signed  letters  and
         that  person  again  or  they  text  you,  it  begins  a   email. When you RECEIVE a new text message
         new conversation!
                                                                you  may  hear  a  tone  (which  is  set  under
                                                                “settings – sounds” on your iPhone) and the new
                                                                message  will  appear  on  the  “Messages”  home
                                                                screen. These are only the basics.

                                                                You can send and receive text messages from
                                                                GROUPS  or  more  than  one  person.  You  can
                                                                send  EMOJIS  –  those  cute  little  symbols  –  to
                                                                help make your text more colorful and fun. You
                                                                can  send  and  receive  photos  too.  You  must
                                                                “save”  the  photo  to  your  phone  if  you  want  to
                                                                keep it, otherwise it will be deleted when you de-
                                                                lete the text message.

                                                                You  can  also  “speak”  your  text  message  by
                                                                touching  the  microphone  icon  or  by  using  Siri,
         To SEND a text message, it is easiest and best         you  may  want  to  try  it  just  for  fun!  As  always,
         if that person is in your contact list or directory.   please use Google and YouTube to view text or
         Touch the NEW MESSAGE icon (to the right of            video  instructions  for  texting  and  exploring  all
         “Messages”)  and  you  will  see  the  “New  Mes-      the options that come with it. Be sure to specify
         sage”  screen  with  your  insertion  point  in  the   “iPhone” in your request.
         “To:” box at the top. Start typing in the name (the
         keyboard should appear on your screen) and the
         iPhone  will  look  up  that  person  in  your contact   Give your fingers and thumbs a workout!
         list. If the person is NOT in your contact list, you
         will need to enter their phone number here. Re-
         member the “To” person must have a phone that
         is  capable  of  receiving  text  messages  for  your
         message  to  be  sent.  You  can  NOT  text  to  an
         email address, texting is not email. Touch on the
         small oval area just above the keyboard display
         to  begin  entering  in  your  text  message.  A  text
         message  can  be  any  length,  but  why  send  a
         long message when you can CALL the person a
         leave a voice message?

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