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Phil’s Ramblings

                                                                check  for  upgrades  on  either  phone  I  am  told
                                                                that my software is up-to-date.
                                                                More troubling is delay in passing along monthly
                                                                security updates to Android phone customers –
                                                                or discontinuing security updates completely.  If
                                                                you read monthly releases from Google, you will
                                                                see  that each monthly  update  is important and
                                                                addresses  new  security  issues.  Yet,  the  most
             Hello, everyone!                                   recent security update on my LG phone is from

             This month, I’ll cover two technology devel-       March 2018.  For the Huawei phone it is January
             opments  that  offer  user  benefits  –  but  that   2018.  Once again, I am told that my software is
             may  require  purchase  of  new  hardware.    If   up-to-date when I check for updates.
             you are thinking of buying a new cell phone        Moreover,  delegating  Android  decision-making
             in the next year or so, you should get up to       authority  to  manufacturers  has  another  down-
             speed  on  these  new  developments  before        side.  They are free to add their own “skins” and
             you pull the trigger.                              apps  (“bloatware”)  to  the  Android  phones  they

             The  first  is  Android  One.    This  program  is   manufacture.  So, there can be some noticeable
             already  in  effect  and  promises  to  improve    differences     between      “Android”     phones.
             the  customer experience  for anyone  buying       (Samsung  is  probably  the  poster  child  for  this
             a new Android phone.                               free-lancing.)

             If you have been using an Android phone for        To address this lack of consistency and create a
             some  time,  you  are  probably  aware  that       standardized version of Android that is updated
             Google  does  not  directly  update  your  An-     and  upgraded  on  a  regular  basis,  Google  has
             droid  phone  with  security  updates  and/or      come out with the Android One program.  Partic-
             new versions of Android.  Instead, they pro-       ipating  manufacturers  agree  to  install  a  stock
             vide  updates  and  upgrades  to  the  various     version of Android on their Android One phones
             Android  cell  phone  manufacturers.    These      and delegate upgrades and updates to Google.
             manufacturers  in  turn  make  internal  deci-     Thus, anyone buying an Android One phone can
             sions about how long and how often they will       be confident that it will be running stock Android,
             push updates to their customers.                   free  of  bloatware,  that  will  be  updated and up-
                                                                graded on a timely basis by Google for at least
             As  an  example,  I  have  two  Android  cell      two years.
             phones,  one  from  LG  and  the  other  from
             Huawei.    Both  are  inexpensive  phones;  the    Initially  launched  overseas  in  2014,  Google  is
             kind that manufacturers stop updating soon-        now extending this program to U.S. customers.
             er than their flagship phones.  My LG phone        You  can  find  reviews  of  Android  One  phones
             is  running  Android  Nougat  7.0;  so  is  the    currently  available  in  the  U.S.  at    https://
             Huawei  phone.    Yet  Google  has  released
             two  new  versions  of  Android  since  7.0  –     845455/.
             Oreo  8.0  and  (recently)  Pie  9.0.    When  I

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