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(Note  that  Android  One  is  different  from  An-  need  new  5G  cell  phones  to  take  full  ad-
            droid Go.  The Android Go program is targeted         vantage of 5G wireless capabilities.
            toward  developing  countries,  whose  citizens       The  moral?    If  you  are  thinking  about  pur-
            cannot  afford  robust  cell  phones.    Hence,       chasing a cell phone in the next year or so, I
            Google  has  partnered  with  manufacturers  to       suggest that you wait to see how these two
            offer inexpensive cell phones with lower hard-        initiatives roll out – especially if you intend to
            ware specs, that will run a stripped-down ver-        buy an Android phone.
            sion  of  Android  designed  specifically  to  run
            well on under-powered phones.)

            The  other  major  development  is  5G  wireless.
            This new technology even has its own logo:

                                                                  (Continued from page 1)
                          Developed to replace current 4G         If you don't need the entire video file, Downie
            LTE wireless, 5G offers a higher data rate, re-       can  save  only  the  audio  track  from  that  file.
            duced  latency,  energy  saving,  cost  reduction,    Or, if you want all your videos in the MP4 for-
            higher  system  capacity  and  massive  device        mat, you can set Downie to convert them au-
            connectivity.  Because of the potential inherent      tomatically.
            in this new technology, it will not only enhance
            cell phone experience, but it is also expected        Using              [Downie]               (https://
            to  provide  a  viable  alternative  to  cable  and  is  a
            DSL  Internet  service  to  homes and  business-      breeze. Select a video to download. There are
            es.                                                   then  several  ways  to  proceed;  you  can  drag
                                                                  and  drop  the  link  into  the  app,  install  the
            Here is a brand-new article from PC Magazine          Downie browser extension for your browser of
            that  explains  5G  in  more  detail:  https://       choice and click on that, you can drag the vid-
                eo onto the Downie icon in your dock, or use

            Telecommunication manufacturers are already           File\>Open URLs … from the Menu Bar.
            producing 5G-capable cell phone modems and            If you’d rather, you can type your search que-
            other  network  gear,  in  anticipation  of  2019     ry into the app’s search field and it will prompt-
            start-up.  For a preliminary roll-out plan, check     ly locate the video for you. Even if there’s text
            out    the    Wikipedia     chart     at   https://   or other content on the page, Downie will de-
                 tect  the  video  and  save  it  for  you.

            To give you an idea of how 5G might work as
            your  home  Internet  provider,  visit  the  Verizon
            FAQ          page         at               https://
            faqs/.  (Keep in mind that each competitor will
            have their own specs, pricing, features, etc.)

            At this point I am not clear about whether we
            will still be able to use our current 4G LTE cell     You can download high-quality, high-definition
            phones on the new 5G wireless networks.   (I          videos from across the web. Downie can even
            assume  so.)    However,  we  will  presumably                                           (Continued on page 5)

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