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your photos. This sounds a lot like Google
            Photos and its ever-eager Assistant.                                        Newsletter
            If you just want to cook up a cool image for
            your Insta or social media account, Elements
            2019 has you covered. You can create photo                                          Team
            collages with fewer clicks and stylish new tem-       E
            plates and then add frames and backgrounds,                   leven times a year it takes a TEAM to produce
            for example.                                                  the LCACE Newsletter. Mike McEnery
                                                                  (Newsletter Editor) publishers the club newsletter to
            Or, if you want to learn some more advanced           keeping our members informed of the latest news on
            techniques, you can switch to the Elements
            Guided Edit mode and its walk-through image           computers and technology. Phil  Bock submits his Presi-
            processing effects. There are four new ones to        dents RAM, and Lester Larkin  submits the Club History.
            try here, bringing the total up to 53.                After hours of formatting these articles and searching
                                                                  for additional articles to fill the pages. Mike emails  the
            You can create multi-photo text, where each           completed Newsletter to J.J. Johnson (Assistant Editor)
            letter contains a different photo, turn a photo
            into a sketch for a colored pencil, old paper or      and then he converts it from Microsoft Publisher for-
            aged photo effect, add text or border overlays        mat to an PDF and FlipPage format. J.J. (webmaster)
            to your photos or – our favorite – create what        then uploads the newsletter to the LCACE website and
            we’re told are “fun memes” by putting pictures        sends out a message on Google Groups to inform the
            of cats into a box on a patterned background          members that the newsletter is available online for
            and adding some amusing aphorisms.                    members to view.

            Premiere Elements 2019 gets some attention            Occasionally Mikes gets some feedback from members
            too, with an all-new Quick Edit mode that             but he is always open for more of your comments. This
            brings two interesting-sounding features.
            Smart Trim automatically finds your best video        goes along with Mike asking you to submit articles to
            footage and helps you trim it, while the simpli-      help cut his time searching for articles from other com-
            fied Sceneline (a timeline, but with scenes,          puter clubs.
            right?) for combining photos, clips, audio and        APCUG (Association of Personal Computer User
                                                                  Groups) gathers articles from many of their member
            There are two new movie guided edits, too –           groups,  and publishers them quarterly for other
            one for making glass pane effects, and another        groups to publish in their newsletters. This is conven-
            for Luma fade transitions, where darker colours       ient  for Mike, but as a club he would like  more articles
            fade first in the transition from one clip to an-     from our members. This would highlight what  our club
                                                                  is doing to contribute to the world of computers and
            There is a heavy emphasis on social media             technology.
            sharing in Photoshop Elements 2019, but apart
            from a smattering of extra guided edits and an        Join the TEAM
            interface refresh, there’s not much here to
            tempt more experienced photographers into             So, if you have taken the time to completely read this
            upgrading.                                            article, consider taking the time to share you experi-
                                                                  ences of a new or old piece of software or equipment
            Keen photographers should note that there are         by writing an article and share it with your fellow mem-
            actually some quite powerful tools in the Or-         bers. Remember our moto.
            ganizer and the Editor's Expert mode, but Ado-
            be's attention seems now to be firmly on the
            beginner market.

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