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(Continued from page 4)                               I’ll  be  learning  new  features  for  months  on
                                                                  end. But I love it!
            handle 4K resolution You Tube videos! And for         You  can  even  set  Downie  to  perform  down-
            those requiring Accessibility, it also downloads      loads  while  you  sleep  so  you  don’t  clog  up
            Closed Captioning.
                                                                  your  bandwidth  while  working  on  other  pro-
            But  suppose,  as  in  my  case,  you  don’t  want    jects during the day.
            the entire video but merely the audio? Downie         Files are downloaded in their own pane. When
            can save only the audio track from the select-        finished downloading, they were sent, at least
            ed  file.  If  you’d  prefer  all  your  videos  in  the   in  my  case,  to  my  Downloads  folder.  In  fact,
            MP4  format,  you  can  set  Downie  to  convert      you  can  have  the  app  send  your  downloads
            them automatically by going to Settings in the        directly into your iTunes library. And as I said
            Menu  Bar.  There  you  can  quickly  choose          earlier, I’m sure I’ll stumble upon another fea-
            None, Convert to MP4, Extract Audio Only, or          ture that lets me customize that.
            Send to Permute for post-processing (more on
            that later).

            Downie  is  extensively  customizable.  Go  to        Apparently,  Charlie  Monroe  isn’t  sleeping
            Preferences  and  the  panel  has  anything  that     nights.
            you would want to access. You can go through
            the usual General settings, but you can choose        Downie  is  updated  about  once  a  week  with
            your  browser’s  extension,  set  Parental  Con-      new  features,  sites  supported,  etc.  Extensive
            trols,  and  skim  the  multitude  of  websites  that   support  on  their  website  and  through  their
            Downie works with.                                    Menu Bar.
                                                                  Post-processing  is  achieved  with  [Permute]
            The most fascinating feature that I found was
            one of the small icons located in the lower right     (
            corner of the main window. It’s labeled Search        permute.php),  another  of  Charlie  Monroe’s
            and    Top     Downloads.     Search     is   self-   creations.
            explanatory. But Top Downloads is the equiva-         Downie seamlessly integrates with Permute, a
            lent of what’s trending on apps like Twitter. An      powerful media converter. To convert the vid-
            amazing number of downloads to choose from!           eo,  you've  just  downloaded  to  a  different  for-
            (NOTE:  This  is  where  Parental  Controls  will     mat or stitch parts of it into one file just send it
            come in very handy. Particularly Tumblr videos        to Permute and pick it up in that app.
            …)                                                    So, as an example, you can convert formats to
            I’ve been using Downie for a couple of weeks          enable you to achieve the ideal file size to fit
            now and with every use I find another valuable        as many video and audio downloads onto your
            feature. And it’s usually an indispensable fea-       iPad or iPhone as is possible.
            ture, it inevitably led to another one. It feels like                                    (Continued on page 6)

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