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Phil’s Ramblings

            I mentioned Groundhog Day last month and            plains        the        differences:       https://
            speculated  whether  Punxsutawney  Phil  was
            correct  about  winter  ending  in  six  weeks.   difference-between-5g-and-5ghz-wi-fi/.)
            Since  then,  I’ve  run  across  this  humorous
            photo of
                                                                Other new technologies and tech products con-
                                                                tinue to appear:

                                                                   ·  The  lines  between  Smart  Assistants
                                                                       (Amazon  Echo,  Google  Home,  etc.)  and
                                                                       Smart  Home  devices  and  controllers  is
                                                                       becoming more and more blurred as the
                                                                       Smart Assistants add new “skills”.  Com-
                                                                       panies that designed and sold dedicated
                                                                       Smart  Home  hubs  are  losing  ground  to
                                                                       the two big AI companies.
                                                                   ·  More  companies  are  entering  the  Smart
                                                                       Home marketplace, with many new devic-
                                                                       es  shown  at  the  Consumer  Electronics
                                                                       Show earlier this year.  Stay tuned!
                                                                   ·  Meanwhile,  some  concerns  have  sur-

            Three  more  weeks,  and  we’ll  find  out  the            faced about possible negative side effects
            truth…….  (Meanwhile, bundle up!)                          from  at  least  one  Smart  Home  device  –
                                                                       smart thermostats.  (I’ve just sent out info
                                                                       to all LCACE members about this poten-
                                                                       tial  issue  via  our  Google  Groups  email
            We continue to see bits  ‘n pieces about 5G                link.)
            wireless service and Wi-Fi 6.  I’ve sent some          ·  Microsoft  will  be  rolling  out  yet  another
            of these articles out to LCACE members via                 big update for Windows 10 in April.
            our  Google  Groups  email  service  and  will         ·  There are more and more alternative vid-
            continue to do that in the future, but anyone              eo-calling apps / services besides Skype,
                                                                       some  offering  unique  features  or  ad-
            who  is  interested  in  keeping  up-to-date  can          vantages.
            simply  search  the  Internet  for  “5G  wireless”     ·  USB-C technology is moving beyond cell-
            or  “Wi-Fi  6” and  browse  through  the  search           phones  and  can now  be found  on  many
            results for the latest news.  These technolo-              new computers.
            gies will be rolled out over two years or more,        ·  SSD (sold-state) drives are gradually dis-
                                                                       placing  traditional  hard  drives  in  new
            so be patient.                                             computer offerings.  (Because these SSD

                                                                       drives are five times faster in data trans-
                                                                       fer than HDD drives, some users are re-
            (One note…. 5G wireless (also known as 5G                  placing  the  hard  drives  in  their  current
            cellular service) should not be confused with              computer  with  after-market  SSD  drives.)
            the  5GHz  channel on  your home Wi-Fi  net-               Now  we  are  seeing  a  further  advance-
            work.  Here’s a How-To Geek article that ex-                                             (Continued on page 4)

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