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                    ment  in  personal  data  storage  –  Non-    drones? Amazon CEO
                    Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) drives
                    -  which  come  in  various  configurations   Jeff  Bezos  claimed  in
                    and are 25 times faster than an HDD.          December  2013  on
                ·  USB nomenclature is changing (in addi-         “60  Minutes”  that  drones  would  be  delivering
                    tion to USB-C, mentioned above).  Tra-        packages  within  five  years.  Where  are  our
                    ditional  2.0  USB  ports  and  cables  are   drone deliveries?
                    being replaced by the faster 3.0 version
                    in new tech products.  (USB 3.0 trans-        There are plenty of drones, or unmanned aeri-
                    fers data at 5.0 Gbps.)  Meanwhile, the       al vehicles (UAVs) out there now, of all kinds.
                    techies have come up with a USB con-          They  protect  our  borders,  launch  strikes
                    figuration  that  will  transfer  data  at  10
                    Gbps.  Then someone came up with the          against our enemies, photograph and film our
                    idea  of  combining  two  of  the  latter  ca-  events and monitor our real estate, crops, for-
                    bles  into  one,  to  allow  transfer  of  20   ests  and  construction.  They  can  also  provide
                    Gbps.    After  considering  various  new     entertainment,  through  personal  use  and
                    names  for  these  improvements,  the         drone  racing.  Unfortunately,  misuse  of  the
                    USB  Implementors  Forums  (USB-IF)           technology  has  also  occurred,  requiring  new
                    organization  has  come  up  with  the  fol-
                    lowing marketing names for the different      regulations for their use. From interfering with
                    3.0  configurations:  SuperSpeed  USB,        fire-fighting efforts in California wildfires to the
                    SuperSpeed  USB  10Gbps  and  Super-          recent shutdown of the Gatwick Airport in Eng-
                    Speed USB 20 Gbps.  I’m sure we will          land  due  to  drone  overflights,  we  have  seen
                    hear more about this transition as 2019       how these useful devices could be misused by
                    progresses. (Not sure when we will see
                    these technologies in the marketplace.)       vandals,  criminals  and  terrorists.  Some  avia-
                                                                  tion  experts  believe  it  is just  a  matter of  time

            Technology  is  not  the  only  thing  that  keeps  changing.    before  a  drone  causes  a  commercial  plane
            So  do  scams.    The  FTC has  just  published  a  detailed   crash.
            Consumer  Sentinel  Network  report  for  2018,  breaking
            out all sorts of statistics about consumer scams reported                  Another  technology  that
            last  year.    (While  scary  enough,  these  statistics  may              didn’t  exist  ten  years  ago
            only  be  the  tip  of  the  iceberg,  since  many  victims  are           is  personal  DNA  analysis.
            embarrassed to report that they have been scammed.)                        Companies  like  Ances-
            You can read this report at                    tryDNA,    23andMe       and
            -book-2018/                                                                MyHeritage  claim  to  pro-
            consumer_sentinel_network_data_book_2018_0.pdf.                            vide  ancestry  information
                                                                                       and  ethnicity  breakdowns.

                                                                                       Some claim to provide ge-
            We have a lot to keep up with during 2019! Please think   netic  health  information  and  predisposition  to
            about the items I’ve listed here – as well as other tech /
            security questions or concerns you may have  - and let   inherited  conditions.  Some  can  match  you  to
            Linda Rohlfing or myself know which you would like to   others that may be relatives. These are home
            have  as  presentation  topics  over  the  remainder  of  the   kits that allow you to provide a sample that is
            year.                                                 analyzed and potentially matched to the sam-
            Thanks!                                               ples  of  others.  Many  of  these  kits  were  dis-

            Phil                                                  counted  for  the  holidays  and  advertised  as
                                                                  great gifts.

                                                                                                     (Continued on page 5)

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