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nal, but most PCs and tablets need a Wi-Fi
                                                                  connection to get online. Some tablets do have
                                                                  3G and 4G connectivity, but those cost extra
                                                                  and aren't that common. As a result, users with
                                                                  smartphones can usually get online in places
                                                                  other device users are stuck offline.
             By Jasmine D’Katz
                                                                  This article discusses a technique for using
                            Before and after a club meeting,      your iPhone as a personal hotspot, allowing
                            I’m always looking for a way to       your PC to connect to the Internet. My person-
                            transport or backup my club           al experience relates specifically to the iPhone,
                            photos and other media on a           but similar techniques are applicable to most
             portable storage device, but worried about los-      other 3G or 4G Android cell phones. I only
             ing it and have my data stolen. Lexar has what       have an iPhone to play with, and a Windows
             I needed. Their USB 3.0 flash drive features a       10 laptop PC to connect, so my experimenta-
             built-in fingerprint scanner, preventing unau-       tion was limited to these devices.
             thorized users from gaining access to stored
             data. Lexar claims a registered fingerprint will
             allow access in under one second, this mini-         On the iPhone
             mizes disrupting  my work flow. The drive is
             capable of storing up to 10-fingerprints ID’s
             and employs advance 256-bit AES security.            You need to set a Wi-Fi password in order
             The speed of the device is up to 150MB per           to set up a Personal Hotspot. To create the
             second.                                              Wi-Fi password, go to Settings > Cellular >
                                                                  Personal Hotspot, then tap the Wi-Fi pass-
             The drive is available in #@GB, 64GB, 128GB          word.
             and 256GB and works with Windows and Mac
             operating systems. Ideal if you don’t want your      Choose a Wi-Fi password that's at least eight
             photos or data to end up in the wrong hands.         characters long and use ASCII characters.
                                                                  ASCII characters include all the letters in Eng-
                                                                  lish, both lowercase and uppercase and the
                                           digits 0 through 9. Many punctuation marks
                                                                  are ASCII, but most people avoid them in
              Kretchmar’s Korner

              How to Connect a Laptop PC or a Tablet              Turn on Wi-Fi and Personal Hotspot on
              to an iPhone Personal Hotspot                       your iPhone, if it's not on already. You can
                                                                  do this through Control Center or the Settings
             By David Kretchmar, Computer Hardware Technician,
             Sun City Summerlin Computer Club, NV
                                                                  Tap Settings
             September 2018 issue, The Gigabyte Gazette
                                         Tap Wi-Fi

             tomburt89134 (at)                            Now go to Settings > Cellular
             Most smart cellphones can connect to the In-                                            (Continued on page 9)
             ternet wherever they can find a 3G or 4G sig-

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