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H                                                   er is still running Windows 7, please start think-

                                                                ing about how to replace or upgrade it.
                      ello,  everyone!    It  has  finally
                      stopped raining (at least temporari-
            ly) and it’s nice to see the sun again!  Maybe      Microsoft has released the May 2019 upgrade to
                                                                Windows 10 and is slowly rolling it out to users.
            spring is finally here…..  (It’s sad when you       It’s important to understand their new approach.
            can  use  this  same  opening  line  in  both  the   For prior major upgrades, MS relied on field test-
            May and June newsletter column!)
                                                                ing by Windows Insiders and early adopters who
            As a reminder, our LCACE membership year            triggered a download by clicking on the “Check
            begins in April.  For those who have already        for Updates” button in Windows 10 Settings and
            renewed  your  annual  membership,  thank           who  immediately  installed  the  upgrade  once  it
            you!  For those who have not, please see Ju-        was downloaded to their computer by Microsoft.
            dy or J.J. at our June LCACE meeting; they          The  Fall  2018  upgrade  became  a  disaster  be-
            will be happy to accommodate you.                   cause  many  users  downloaded  &  installed  the
                                                                upgrade before  the  reports of  problems  started
            As previously announced, our June meeting
            will  be  on  the  third  Saturday  of  the  month,   coming in to Microsoft.  This time MS is moving
            June 15 .  The program will be a combina-           much  more  slowly,  relying  on  feedback  from
            tion  of  “show  ‘n  tell”  and  “ask  the  Guru”.    Windows  Insiders  and  those  other  users  who
            Please  plan  to  join  us  and  bring  along  any   have  voluntarily  triggered  a  download  via  the
            new  tech  items  that  you  care  to  share  with   “Check  for  Updates”  process.    Once  they  be-
            your fellow members, along with tech ques-          come comfortable that all is well, they will begin
            tions that  you  would  like  some  answers for.    downloading the upgrade to everyone.  But even
            Our annual picnic will be on the second Sat-        then,  it  will not  be  automatically  installed.    The
            urday  of  July  (7/13)  at  State  Bank  of  the   user  will  decide  when  (or  if)  the  upgrade  is  in-
            Lakes, Grayslake.  More info and sign-up will       stalled.
            take place at our June meeting. Please plan         I’m somewhat surprised that I have not yet seen
            to attend!                                          much  in  either  the  technical  or  popular  media
                                                                about  how  this  upgrade  is  performing.    It’s  still
                                       I  mentioned  this  in
                                       our May newsletter,      early days, but I expected to see some feedback
                                       but it bears repeat-     by now – good or bad.  As more information be-
                                       ing.    Microsoft  is    comes  available,  I  will  pass  it  along  via  our
                                       scheduled  to  stop      group email process.  Meanwhile, as suggested
                                       support  for  Win-       in  my  recent  email, I recommend  that  you wait
                                       dows 7 on January        until it is clear that this update is performing well
            14, 2020 – approximately seven months from          before downloading / installing it.
            now.  If you have a computer running Win 7 it       For anyone interested in learning about the new
            will continue to work after that date, but you      features in this upgrade, here is a link to a How-
            will  not  receive  any  further security  updates   To Geek article that provides a detailed analysis:
            from Microsoft.  Thus, the longer you contin-
            ue to use that computer to connect to the In-       new-in-windows-10s-april-2019-update/
            ternet  after  1/14/2020,  the  more  at-risk  you   Locally, Verizon is testing 5G wireless in the Riv-
            will  be  for  a  malware  attack.    I  suggested   er North area of Chicago.  There was an article
            several options in my May newsletter column
            (posted on our website); if your main comput-                                            (Continued on page 4)

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