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(Continued from page 6)
            Not Shopping Around Enough                             Firewalls

            You  do  need  to  shop  around  -  that  is,  if  you
            want  to  get  the  best  deal.  Don’t  just  go  into
            Best Buy and assume your options are limited
            to those devices at those prices.  Shopping at        By Dick Maybach, Member, Brookdale Computer
            a single retailer (especially a brick-and-mortar      User Group, NJ
            shop) will guarantee that you’ll miss out. Every
            big retailer is going to have some deal going at
            any  given  time,  so  you’ve  just  got to hunt for   n2nd (at)
            the right one, which means checking way more          A firewall is a program that monitors traffic on a
            than  one  place.  I  suggest  you  look  at          network and rejects any data that violate its se-
  ,,,            curity rules. One way to classify a firewall is by
            and  If  you’re  brave  and  knowl-     its location: it can be host-based, where it re-
            edgeable  you  can  see  what  you  can  find  on     sides on a computer and controls all the data
    Check  the  manufacturers’  web-           transferred through its data port, or it can be net-
            sites. Check Costco and other retailers. If you       work-based where it resides on a modem or
            shop around and are patient, you’ll get a good        router that connects a local area network (LAN)
            deal on a new computer.                               to the Internet. The latter is sometimes inaccu-
                                                                  rately called a “hardware firewall,” although it is

                                                                  actually software, but running on a router, a mo-
            Setup and Warranty                                    dem, or a dedicated processor rather than a gen-

            Finally,  there’s  the  matter  of  setup  services   eral-purpose PC.
            and warranties. Choosing to get a warranty is
            an extra cost, which I do not recommend, but it
            adds some security. If you’re concerned about
            physical  damage  to  the  computer,  an  acci-
            dental  damage  warranty  isn’t  a  bad  idea.  As
            far  as  setup  services,  if  you  know  your  way
            around  a  computer,  or  know  someone  who          Figure 1. Network-based Firewall.
            does and is willing to help, you can likely pass
            on  having  a  professional set  it  up  —  most  of   The primary purpose of a network-based firewall
            what’s  done  is  pretty  simple.  If  everything     is to isolate your home network from the Internet.
            about computers is like a foreign language to         Without one, your networked printers, PCs with-
            you and no one you know tolerates your tech-          out host-based firewalls, and shared storage de-
            nological  deficiencies,  it  may  be  worth  the     vices would be available to the world. A host-
            money  to  have  a  pro  come  set  up  your  new     based firewall is very similar to a network-based
                                                                  one; the major difference is its location. It iso-
            computer and get you up and running.
                                                                  lates the data on your PC, primarily on its disk,
                                                                  from other computers on the network. If you use
                                                                  your laptop to access the Internet through a wire-
                                                                  less (Wi-Fi) hotspot, only its firewall protects you.
                                                                  Some firewalls, e.g. that included with Windows,

                                                                                                     (Continued on page 8)

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