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Mistakes We Make When Buying a Computer
By David Kretchmar, Computer Technician, $200 machine could last you a couple of
Sun City Summerlin Computer Club NV years, but that time may be filled with head-
aches as it begins to struggle more and more
March 2019 issue, Gigabyte Gazette
on its way to the computer graveyard. A $400 computer should last longer, and that time
tomburt89134 (at) should be less filled with headaches. It is im-
possible to be entirely sure what you’re going
For many of us, computers have become an to get for your money, but you’ll probably have
integral part of our daily lives. Computers have a good chance of finding a more reliable, long-
become almost as important as a car to some er-lasting PC if you spend more. You don’t
of us. Fortunately, computers are pretty easy need to buy a $2,000 computer, but just keep
to acquire. They are no longer a major invest- an eye out for good deals on brands and mod-
ment (my first computer system, 20 years ago, els that have proven to have a good lifespan,
cost $3000) but still can be a significant pur- and you should be safe.
chase and something we will live with for
For the less tech-savvy, buying a computer Not Buying Based on Your Needs
can be difficult. There is a lot of tech jargon fly- If you think a computer seems awesome be-
ing around, and all of it is competing to get cause you’ve heard media hype about it, it’s
your money. Because of that, mistakes are the latest thing, or it just looks awesome,
easy to make, and they can easily result in you’re probably shopping for a computer incor-
your money going to waste. When you’re rectly.
spending hundreds of dollars, you don’t want Sure, if you want to prioritize a certain feature
to get a machine that’s going to break down in such as appearance or power, you can, but
a year, fail to work as expected or cost any most of us should just think about what we
more than it ought to. We are going to take a need from the computer and buy a machine
look at a number of computer shopping mis- that will enable us to do the job. If you’re going
takes so that you can avoid them and get a to just do light Internet browsing, some word
great computer without spending any more processing, and watch a movie here and there,
than you have to.
you can probably do without 32GB of RAM,
that 8-core CPU, or 12 USB 3.0 ports. Whatev-
Always Buying Whatever’s Cheapest er you get with a computer, you pay for, so try
not to go for something you know you don’t
If you have very minimal computer demands need.
and hardly browse the Internet, you might be
able to get away with only ever getting a cheap
computer. Cheap and/or old hardware is going Not Knowing What You’re Getting with an Op-
to wear out more quickly and fail to meet the erating System
ever-increasing demands of new software. A (Continued on page 6)