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(Continued from page 5)                               cal drive, especially laptops, since the optical
                                                                  drive  on  a  laptop  adds  considerably  to  the
            About 10 years ago my nephew camped out-              bulk of the system. External optical drives are
            side  of  Best  Buy  to  get  a  dirt-cheap  laptop.   available  for  $25  -  $30  and  this  is  often  the
            The laptop was inexpensive, but it came with-         solution if an optical drive is required.
            out a permanent operating system! Fortunately          Also  make  sure  there  are  plenty  of  USB
            he  had  a  geeky  uncle  who  was  able  to  help    ports,  and  importantly  at  least  1  high  speed
            him, but not all were so fortunate.
                                                                  (3.0 or 3.1) USB port.
              Today you are unlikely to be sold a computer        Some new computers are sold with HDMI vid-
            without  an  operating  system  (OS).  There  are     eo output only.
            plenty  of  different  computer  OS  out  there  —
            Windows,  Apple  OS  X,  various  flavors  of         If you plan to utilize an older monitor with only
            Linux,  including  the  Chrome  OS.  Each  OS         the old standard 15-pin sub-D input, you are
            functions  differently.  Most  importantly  for  us-  out of luck without a special adapter.
            ers, each OS handles software differently (if at
            all). If you have an old computer running one          Not  Finding  a  Problem  with  a  Com-
            OS and want to bring software you purchased           puter While You Can Still Return It.
            to a new computer, don’t expect to succeed if
            you  switch  operating  systems.  For  example,       Just because you’ve spent your money for a
            Skype may have versions working for Mac and           new computer already doesn’t mean the buy-
            Windows,  but  you  won’t  be  able  Skype  with      ing process is over. You have a time window
            your  friends  and  family  if  you  switch  over  to   where  you  can  return  the  computer  if  you’re
            Chrome OS. Remember the first step in buying          not satisfied. Test everything. See how far the
            a computer: you need to decide what you need          Bluetooth  signal reaches.  Ensure  it  can  con-
            to do with a computer and ensure the OS will          nect  to  your  Wi-Fi  network  and  maintain  a
            support it.                                           connection.  Test  out  all  of  the  drives  and
                                                                  ports. Try out headphones and microphones.

                                                                  Install all of the programs you want to use and
            Assuming a Feature is Included                        try  them  out.  Run  Prime95  or  your most  de-

             Whether  you’re  shopping  for  a  laptop  or  a     manding video game for hours. You basically
            desktop,  don’t  make  any  assumptions  about        want to make sure that the computer will easi-
            the features that are included.                       ly meet your needs.  If it’s falling short or not
                                                                  working how you expect, you want to find that

                                                                  out while you can still return it. (Personal sto-
             Computers come in all configurations   ry:  I  once  bought  a  high-end  Dell  desktop
                                                                  computer that seemed great, but it would not
            You should never take anything for granted. If
            you  want  a  computer  with  a  CD/DVD  drive,       shut down without cutting off the power. I re-
            look and see if there is one, and if you’re shop-     turned it quickly for a replacement. If I hadn’t
            ping on line or in a store, make sure you know        tested  out  those  features  early  on,  I  would
            with  100%  certainty  it’s  there.    Optical  drives   have learned the hard way what it felt like to
            seem  to  be  slowly  going  the  way  of  the  old   waste $3000.)
            floppy drives – away.
            Software  can  usually  be  downloaded  online
            rather than installed from an optical disk. More                                        (Continued on page 7)
            and more new computers don’t include an opti-

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