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Using a local photo application, I started delet-
ing photos off my phone. Being a little tedious
doing this one-by-one I looked for a select tool
but couldn’t find it. I then realized it was availa-
ble on the Google Photo application so I then
started some bulk deletes using Google Photos. History Report, 2019-08-17 Meeting
I then had this startling revelation that I was de- By Les Larkin
leting my cloud Google Photos and not the
dupes residing on my phone. Panic quickly set
in when I realized, in my haste, that I was no Our August meeting was conducted by Linda
longer using the original phone application that Busch.
was only deleting photos on my phone. Linda Busch made the coffee, and she also pro-
vided munchables for us. Linda is a very busy,
I took a deep breath and searched for recovery and much appreciated member! Mike McEnery
solutions. Hooray, there was an easy solution was also a big help, picking up the slack at the
that I had never used. The photos were dumped sign-in desk. The duo that normally handles that
into a trash bucket that holds deletions for 60 work, J.J. Johnson and Judy Dunham, took some
days. Following the steps below recovered the deserved time off.
deleted photos. Last month's presentation was a video. We voted
Recover permanently deleted files from Google for one of these two: Windows 7 Security Sunset
Photos in Trash (May 2019), and
Staying Connected While You Travel (Feb. 2019)
Files that are accidentally deleted from Google The winner was
Photos will stay in your trash for 60 days. So, if Staying Connected While You Travel. It is an in-
you permanently delete your photos or video on formative 50-minute video, and was heavily fa-
your phone, you can try to fully retrieve them vored in our vote. However, for those of us who
back in Trash during this period. would like to know more of the impact, and solu-
1. Open the Google Photos app and tap on tions for, the end of Windows 7, you should view
"Menu." Then select your "Trash" folder. the Windows 7 Security Sunset video.
If you want to see either one, just click on the link.
2. All of your deleted files will be listed. Simply If that does not work for you, just copy/paste.
select the photos or videos you wish to recover, Another great meeting and I hope to see you at
and then tap the Restore button to restore them. our September meeting.
Door 50/50
Prize Winner