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when your phone wants your attention.  In other           ·  Lock Sound – if “ON” will hear a shutting
         words, among other things, your phone can vi-                 sound (like a door or cupboard door clos-
         brate. (The sound options for your iPad are few-              ing) that lets you know you’ve locked your
                                                                       phone without needing to check.
         er because it is not intended to be used as a cel-        ·  System Haptics – if “ON” will allow vibra-
         lular phone).                                                 tions.

         Side switch on side of phone – turns sounds            Do Not Disturb – this is a very helpful setting
         “on” or “off.”  When “off,” this is called “silent     found just below “Sounds & Haptics.” It provides
         mode.”                                                 a list of options for you to explore to keep your
                                                                phone from bothering you at certain times.

         The following are found in “Settings” -> “Sounds       Thankfully there is a short description of each
         & Haptics”:                                            option to help you decide if it is something you

            ·  Vibrate on Ring (on/off) – if “on” will vi-      want to use.  For example, I have my phone’s
                brate your phone while it is also ringing.      “Scheduled” option turned “ON,” and I have a
            ·  Vibrate on Silent (on/off) – if “on” will vi-    set time span from 10 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. during
                brate even if your phone is on silent.
            ·  Under “Ringer and Alerts” there is a slide       which I do NOT want to be disturbed. The phone
                volume adjust. Mine is up all the way on        functions will work (receive calls, etc.) but I will
                this one which means if my phone “rings”        not know unless I am looking at the phone –
                with a sound it will be the loudest possi-
                ble. It’s not that my hearing is failing, it’s   there will be no noises or vibrations. True to
                that my pants pockets are getting more          providing options on top of options, there is an
                insulated!                                      “Allow Calls from” option that WILL allow certain
            ·  Right below that is “Change with But-            calls to come in even if you DO have “Do Not
                tons” (on/off) – This option, if turned “ON,”   Disturb” turned on.
                means that the volume of the sounds can
                be adjusted by the “side buttons” which
                are used to turn the volume up or down.
            ·  If “OFF,” the side buttons will NOT adjust       Ah, remember the old days when you just un-
                the volume.                                     plugged the phone when you didn’t want it to

         Now comes a really fun list of “Sounds and Vi-
         bration Patters” – Look at this list and you can
         pick and change the sound or vibration pattern
         of all the events listed.  Get a new email?  Pick a     By John Roy, President, The PC Users Group of Connecticut
         sound to tell you that event happened. I believe        August 2019 issue, The Program
         you can get (or purchase through the App Store)
         more ringtones, but the ones provided for free
         are enough for me.                                      johnroy1 (at)

         Below that list are:                                   I have an Android phone and use Google Pho-
                                                                tos. I wanted to create some storage space on
            ·  Keyboard Clicks – if “ON” will make a
                click sound when you touch a keyboard           my phone and decided to delete photos that
                key on your device.                             were already residing in the cloud in Google

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