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(Continued from page 1)                               emotional.  Some of them were humorous.  All of
                                                               them were inspiring.
         and return to Milwaukee late Sunday afternoon.        Kudos of all kinds to Paula and the many volun-
         As with the Chicago Honor Flight, the return of       teers who make this experience happen.   I can-
         the Veterans is a very big deal.
                                                               not say enough about them.  They are all dedi-
         The reception ceremony is held at the Veterans’       cated to making this experience unforgettable.
         Memorial Park in North Chicago on Sunday af-          The Lake County Honor Flight is always looking
         ternoon.  The Honorees are bused from Milwau-         for volunteers.  They also want to make sure that
         kee  with  a  police  escort  (no  stopping  for  red   all  Lake  County  World  War  II,  Korean,  and  Vi-
         lights required.) and a motorcycle and riders es-
                                                               etnam veterans get a chance to do this.  If you
                                                               know  of  a  veteran  who  is  eligible,  please  tell
                                                               them about this experience.  The Flight is free for
                                                               the veteran.  His/her guardian does have to pay
                                                               for  their  trip.    The  next  flight  will  be  in  October
                                                               and is a three day experience.
                                                               I’m happy to report that J.J. did enjoy the Flight
                                                               experience.  He was honored to be chosen to be
                                                               the one to lay the wreath on the Tomb of the Un-
                                                               known Soldier.  He received a ton of mail (part of
                                                               the  Honor  Flight  that  gives  the  veterans  a  mail
                                                               call that they never had when they were fighting
                                                               their  war(s)).  And  he  had  a  bunch  of  people  to
                                                               welcome him home.  After his 54 years of mili-
                                                               tary service, he finally got a fitting tribute.  We all
                                                               salute you, J.J.
                                                               By Lynda Busch

                                                               VP LCACE

                                                                    Lake County Honor Flight #16 Videos

                                                                    J.J.’s YouTube Recap

                                                                    Vimeo Videos
         cort that was loud and very impressive.
         When the bus arrived at the park, the honorees
         were wheeled (they all had the use of a brand
         new  wheelchair  even  if  they  didn’t  need  it)  by
         their guardian to the covered staging area.  As
         the  crowd  of  supporters  is  cheering,  waving
         banners and signs, and just being loud, each of
         the  veterans had  a  chance  to  regale  the audi-
         ence  (family,  friends,  politicians,  volunteers,
         etc.) with their story.  Some of them were very

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