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and  choose  Notepad.  Each  line  in  the  file  de-  “Country” folder which is also in the MP3Music
         fines  the  location  of  a  tune  to  be  played,  and   folder. So when these four lines in a playlist are
         comments can be added to the file because text         encountered, first “Annie’s Song” will be played
         lines that start with “#” are ignored. Any helpful     and  after  that  is  finished,  “Give  Me  One  More
         information  can  be  put  in  the  comment  line.     Shot”  will  be  played.  Fortunately,  all  the  hard
         Keep  in  mind,  the  tune  file  name  used  in  the   work of creating a playlist is done for you by the
         playlist must be exactly the same (character for       App that you are using to create and play your
         character) as the tune file name in the tune da-       playlists.  WMP  is  especially  easy  to  use  be-
         tabase.                                                cause gathering your tunes for a playlist can be
                                                                done graphically by just dragging and dropping

                                                                your selections from the tune (music) database
         Here are a few lines from a .m3u playlist:             into  a  playlist  area,  and  finally  clicking  “save
         # John Denver                                          list”, and then you are done. Now, all you have
                                                                to do is start the play list and sit back and enjoy
         \MP3Music\PopMusic\John  Denver  -  Annie’s            the music.

         # Alabama in Country Folder
         \MP3Music\Country\Alabama  –  Give  Me  One
         More Shot.mp3                                           Author: Jim Cerny, Help Desk Support, Sarasota Tech-
                                                                 nology Users Group, FL

         The first line starts with “#”, so this is just a com-  jimcerny123 (at)
         ment  line and  essentially  nothing  will  be  done.
         The second line defines the location of a tune.
         In this example, the tune is Annie’s Song and it
         is by John Denver. (When you “rip” a song from
         a CD you have choices as to how the tune file
         will  be  named.  I have  chosen  to  title all  of the
         tunes in my Music database as “Artist” – “Tune
         Title”.  This  allows  me  to  see  all  of  the  tunes
         from  a  particular  artist  in  alphabetical  order                               It can be embarrass-
         when I look at the Music folders using Windows         ing when your phone sounds off when you are
         Explorer.)   When  the music player gets  to  this     in a meeting or someplace quiet. You probably
         line  it  will  retrieve  the  file  “John  Denver  –  An-  know about the sound “on – off” switch on the
         nie’s Song.mp3” from the folder “PopMusic” and         side of your phone, right? -- but the many other
         start  to  play  (process)  it.  Note  that  the       options for sounds you have available can be
         “PopMusic”  folder  is  in  the  MP3Music  folder      surprising. Let’s take a look at a few of the
         which is the name of the folder that holds all of      most popular ones and when you would want
         my  tunes.  “MP3Music”  also  holds  folders  for      to use them.
         many  other  music  genres,  such  as  “Country”,
         “R&R”, “PreR&R”, “BigBands”, “Holiday”, “Jazz”,
         “Classical”; you get the idea. So this line is like a   On your iPhone, touch “Settings” and then
         road map to where the tune can be found. The           “Sounds & Haptics.”  Haptics, for those of you
         third line starts with “#” so, again, it’s a comment   who are out-of-touch with some technical jar-
         and  nothing  will  happen.  But  the  fourth  line  is   gon, has to do with tactile sensations you feel
         another tune to be selected. This tune is in the

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