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to the Edge Chromium Favorites Bar, but not
         yet found a way to sync my Other Bookmarks                    process is expected to begin in the 3
         or Mobile Bookmarks.  Ditto for syncing                       Quarter of 2019.  As TechRepublic points
         browser extensions.  But, I have been able to                 out, current uncertified Wi-Fi routers may
         switch the default search engine (Bing) to the                or may not contain all the features re-
         more private alternative that I use on Chrome                 quired under certification.
         (DuckDuckGo).  And, it has been very fast for
         web surfing!  So far, so good.                         Here is a link to an April 2019 TechRepublic arti-
                                                                cle that offers more information about both Wi-Fi
         On a different subject, we have been hearing           6 and Wireless 5g: https://
         for some time about the coming transition to 
         5g wireless technology and Wi-Fi 6 for home            -cheat-sheet/
         and business Wi-Fi networks.  5g Wireless is
         still in its infancy, with little availability outside   Finally, the program for our September meeting
         designated test areas and little in the way of         (9/14) will be "Looking ahead - planning our per-
         personal devices designed to utilize 5G                sonal technology future".  It is intended to be a
         (phones, etc.).  But Wi-Fi 6 is a little further       discussion, more so than a presentation, de-
         along.  (Wi-Fi 6 is the new name for what              signed to encourage you to take stock of where
         would have been called Wi-Fi 802.11ax under            you are today with your personal technology de-
         the old nomenclature.)  You can find Wi-Fi 6           vices, providers and knowledge and what is hap-
         routers for home and business networks
         available now at Amazon, Best Buy and other            pening now (and likely to happen in the near fu-
         technology suppliers.  But, you should not             ture) around us, and create a personal plan for
         rush out and buy one.  Here’s why:                     actions you may need (or want) to take to en-
                                                                sure a technology happy and safe 2020.  Please
             1.  If you have a simple home network              give this some thought prior to our meeting, and
                that is meeting your current wireless           come with questions, suggestions and infor-
                needs, you should wait for more infor-          mation to share.  See you there!
                mation, more choices and possible
                cost reductions before deciding to up-          Phil

             2.  The Wi-Fi Alliance has not yet begun
                certification of Wi-Fi 6 devices; that

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