Page 23 - 2009
P. 23

It’s Time to Hold Your Meetings Online
                         By Hewie Poplock

         Like most members of Computer & Technology Us-
         er Groups, I am in the high-risk group for corona-
         virus COVID-19. Many user groups are losing
         meeting places due to the disease. All clubs have
         many members who are reluctant to attend meet-

         Since we are technology users, whether beginners
         or gurus, there are ways for our groups to serve the
         members. Many groups have already used Zoom to
         have APCUG Speakers’ Bureau presentations.            If you are hesitant to do your own presentation, you
         Skype is another service for remote presentations.    can have your usual business meeting, q & a, and
                                                               then play a YouTube video, perhaps one of the over
                                                               180 APCUG Virtual Conference presentations on the
                       You can test using Zoom for free.       APCUG YouTube channel
                       The free account can accommodate        user/APCUGVideos .
                       100 users (including the owner and
                       any presenters) for 40 minutes. The
                       Pro plan is $15 per month ($180 per     If your group has not presented with Zoom or has not
                       year) for 100 participants and up to a   used the service, I suggest that you try the free ver-
         24-hour meeting.  One member is the owner or host     sion with a small group to get the feel of it. You can
         of the account and must sign in for others to partici-  even use Zoom for your Board of Directors meetings.
         pate. Zoom is quite easy to use and requires a very
         small file to download and use.                       There is ample help available through APCUG and
                                                               many of us who use Zoom. There are many YouTube
         Participants can join a Zoom meeting using any of     videos to help with understanding Zoom should you
         the following: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android,          need it. There is even a YouTube Zoom Channel
         iOS,  & more. You can connect with a phone for just   at
         audio or use a phone for the audio portion and your   featured .
         computer for the video.
                                                               Another benefit of holding an online meeting is that
         If your group is not a member of APCUG, it is time    you can record the meeting and then upload the re-
         to join. Member benefits include the Speakers’ Bu-    cording to YouTube, for members who were not able
         reau, . The       to attend at the original time can still see the meeting
         Speakers Bureau features almost 100 Webinar           and presentation. Your group can create its own
         presentations in 20+ categories. Be sure to scroll to   channel on YouTube to store your recordings in one
         the bottom of the page for an overview of what        place. You have the ability to make your recordings
         many of the speakers present.                         private, so you do not have to share your board meet-
                                                               ings with the rest of the world.

                           To have a member of the
                           Speakers Bureau present to          During this time when group meetings are being
                           your group, your group may not      banned or canceled and your members will not attend
                           need to have their own Zoom         a meeting due to the dangers, it is an opportunity for
                           account. Using Zoom is free to      your group to try using online meetings. Test it first
                           the participant, with up to 100     and have a few members become familiar with Zoom
                           people online. If you want your
         members to present and to hold question and an-       or whatever service that you decide upon. Each of
         swer sessions, you will need a group account and      your attendees can be at home and still get the bene-
         plan. All that is needed is a device, a microphone    fits of your group.
         and speakers (a headset is best), and internet ac-

         September 2020                                      23
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