Page 24 - 2009
P. 24

Apple Video Tutorials
                                                                This is a collection of very short user-friendly videos that
         Makes my iPad feel like paper!                         demonstrate how to perform specific task on different
         By Jasmine Blue D’Katz                                 Apple devices. It is the perfect place to level-up your
         With the recent purchase of the new iPad Pro 12’9 “,
         I find myself using it to take more note using the Ap-
         ple pencil. Like many tablets and smartphones, the     Android Video How-To
         screens are very slick and you get the feeling of      This extensive video library contains somethings for eve-
         plastic on the glass as you try to draw on the          ryone interested in the Android ecosystem. Beginners
         screens. Although I do much of my typing on a key-     and experts alike will find this site useful.
         board and rarely use paper these days, I miss the
         feel of notetaking and digital creativity with a pencil
         or pen on real paper.
                                                                Online Museum Tours
         Then I was introduced to PaperLike with Nanodots       This page catalogs a dozen museums worldwide that
         screen protector that feels like paper and is de-      offer extensive online collections. Travel may be difficult,
         signed to be used with the Apple Pencil. The iPad      but unshackling your imagination is still possible.
         has become an amazing device for taking notes and
         going paperless, and with the slight resistance of     museums-with-virtual-tours
         PaperLike helps me combine all the advantages of a
         digital device while keeping the nice tactile feel of
         paper. Now I am ready to jot do not any of my ideas    Windows Weekly
         or just take a quick note.                             Want to know more about  Microsoft, including Window,
                                                                Office, Xbox and more
         PaperLike is made or a material that does not stand
         in the way of the normal display of the iPad, there-
         fore I am still able to enjoy all of my relaxing hours of   Backup and Restore in Windows 10
         Netflix and YouTube.  And he matte and glare-
         resistant finish even allow me to enjoy my screen
         while sitting in the sun.                              windows-10-backup-and-restore

                                                                The 3-2-1- Backup Strategy
         Photo Photography 101                                  strategy/
         Although I don’t advocate                              Looking for an Unlimited Backup Solution
         taking photos with my                        
         smartphone, many of you do.
         So if you want to master your                          Acronis True Image is the #1 backup solution at a User
         phone’s camera and take your photography up a          Group price
         step then you might want to take a look at this pho-
         tography tutorial  from C/net

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