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P. 25
Tech Talk: TV Slideshows, Printer Fix, and Beta Software
By Bob DeLaurentis
Q. Is there a way to view personal photos on my until it is explicitly turned off again. I would look into
television? that first.
there is a specific error message, I search for
A. A living room TV is a perfect venue to share that message in Google, enclosed in quotation
your family photo col-lection, and there are choices marks. the results are not helpful, I try to focus
to fit every budget. the search with additional words outside the quoted
Many televisions built in the last decade can al- message, words such as "turn off' or "disable."
ready display photos. Older TVs may have a The next step would be to visit the support section
memory card slot. Simply load photos onto a card on Canon's website,, which has
and enjoy! This is also the best choice if your house quite a bit of freely accessible material for your mod-
does not have a W-Fi network. el printer. Enter "MX922" into the site's search box
The bundled software installed in SmartTV s often to view the resources I am looking at as I write this.
support photo sharing via home networking. Unfortunately, tech support has become very
your set lacks any built-in features or if they much a DIY skill. For better and worse, solutions are
seem too complex to navi-gate, consider a hard- usually available online, but they require patience to
ware add-on. Two inexpensive options are the Am- find them.
azon Fire TV Stick and Google Chromecast. Each
are available for about $30, and they simply plug Q. Do you recommend using public beta software?
into any HDMI port on the TV. They also require a Absolutely not. No. Never. Ever. In the last few
power outlet, although most advertising pho-tos years summer has become public beta season, with
omit that important element. Either one will do a fine both Apple and Google releasing public beta ver-
job. sions of their future major updates, which usually
Slightly more costly (about $50) is the Roku arrive in the fall as full-fledged releases.
Streaming Stick. Roku was an early leader in Of course anyone enthusiastic about tech wants to
streaming TV and alongside the programming op- get his or her hands on the new new thing as quickly
tions the stick can run an app that displays images as possi-ble. But there is a significant risk asso-
from Google Photos. ciated with beta software, even if you keep excellent
The most expensive option only makes sense if backup copies.
you are already deeply invested in the Apple iCloud Every one of these beta releases comes with a
Photo Library, or if you want a device that does a lot warning that they are for testing purposes only, and
more than display photos in your living room. the manu-facturers will not help recover from any
My advice is to follow the path of least resistance. problems you encounter.
Amazon fans should go with a Fire Stick, Google There is another danger with beta releases.
Photos fans can use any of these devices, and if As our devices have become more dependent on
you do not yet have a preference, choose the least cloud services, the inter-action between cloud data
expensive one just to get started. Once you set up and beta software is less reliable.
photo slideshows on your TV, you will be hooked. When it comes to public beta software, leave the
Q. I have a Canon MX922 printer. testing to the professionals and wait until the official
The printer was working just fine until we began to release.
get paper abrasion mes-sages. Can you tell me
what to do?
Troubleshooting printers is espe-cially chal-
lenging because there are so many different mod-
els, configurations, and computer systems in the
mix. But there are universal techniques which apply
to this type of problem.
For example, that model has a print-er driver setting
that adjusts the paper path to handle thicker pa-
pers, and once the setting is enabled, it will stay on
September 2020 25