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Hello, all

         I hope that everyone has been successful in avoiding our coronavirus pandem-
         ic while still managing to enjoy the summer and stay in touch with family and
         friends – virtually if not in person!

         It seems clear that LCACE members will be meeting virtually for the foreseea-
         ble future, via monthly Zoom videoconferences.  For those who have not yet
         been able to connect to our virtual monthly meetings, or who have questions
         about what equipment is needed or how to go about this whole videoconfer-
         ence process, please reach out to J.J. or myself for assistance.  We have both
         participated in Zoom training and Zoom meetings with other groups and should
         be able to help you get on board for our monthly LCACE meetings.  You can
         reach J.J. via email at , or myself at presi-  You can also post questions or concerns to fellow members
         through our Google Group email network at lcace-  In addition, you can find lots of information and
         tutorials in the Zoom Help Center, at

         As a reminder, you can use Zoom on almost every device.  Smartphones and
         tablets – both Android and Apple – typically have webcams and microphones
         built in.  Same for modern laptop computers – both Windows and Apple.  All-in-
         one desktop computers may also include webcams and microphones.  All you
         need to add is the (free) Zoom meeting software – which you can do from the
         Zoom website.  Alternatively, whenever you log into a Zoom meeting your de-
         vice is automatically screened for Zoom software; if none is found the neces-
         sary software will automatically be installed before you can complete your login.

         (Traditional desktop computer & monitor set-ups will usually not include
         webcams and microphones, so in those situations you will need to purchase a
         separate webcam and (possibly) a separate microphone.  Stand-alone
         webcams often include a built-in microphone, so you may be able to address
         both video and audio equipment needs with one purchase.)
         There are other videoconference considerations as well, such as lighting, back-     Click below to learn
         ground, etc.  You can find more information, explanations, and suggestions in      how to Zoom.  It’s fun
         tutorials on the Zoom website or posted elsewhere on the web.
                                                                                               & easy— Try it.
         Please plan to join us for our next Zoom meeting at 1:00 pm on Saturday,
         September 12 .   I have sent out a Zoom invitation for that meeting to eve-
         ryone; all you need to do is click on the embedded link to join the meet-
         Looking forward to seeing you then!                                                 zoom/guide/index.html


         September 2020                                       3
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